For me, these are the fights with the most replay value. The best chess matches are generally close fights between fighters showing mutual respect with good technique and no holding. Some of my favorites are: Trinidad vs. ODH Hagler vs. Duran Chavez vs. Laporte Toney vs. McCallum What are some other great chess matches worth watching again?
Leonard-Benitez is always the first that comes to mind. Going back to the old days, Carlos Ortiz vs Joe Brown is a great chessmatch.
I guess it was somewhat interesting, but the problem with that one is even before the fight it seemed Oscar wouldn't be able to do anything once Bernard decided to take it to another level. Kind of like a game of one on one basketball between a father and a young kid. For a while it looks competitive but that's only because one of them is taking their time and isn't worried about the current score.
Most devastating open glove body shot of all time... Oscar up and smiling a few seconds after getting counted out... The two in business together shortly thereafter.... Nothing suspicious at all! Not even a little bit.
Also, Oscar rolling on the floor back and forth unlike any body shot victim ever, then theatrically pounding the canvas in disappointment. It was pure WWF
Even though a well placed body punch usually leads to temporary paralysis rather than seizure like symptoms it goes to show how devastating that open handed close up shot was. Hopkins should get some kind of peace prize for never utilizing that deadly weapon against another human being again.
Gee I don't know maybe go to youtube and type in something radical and random like "Tszyu Horn" and see what happens, you never know.
You know what I don't understand is why Hopkins just didn't lay him out properly.......for $5m I'd take a smack in the guts.