This marks the first big fight signed since the pandemic. We'll now see if the car accident altered Spence.
Spence is really putting Crawford's opposition to absolute shame. Garcia, Porter, Garcia back to back to back. Compared to the Green Bum Machine, Trash Khan, and Bumavidez.
Crawford is a complete non-entity. it's obvious that he has no intention to face tough oppositions and that he only want to milk his title and p4p status (which was given to him much too early). Sad that some holds him in such high regards
It's a myth the left hook is not effective against southpaws. Just watch Spence drop Porter with a right hook. Besides that, Garcia has a good right hand too. He will probably still lose. But moreso because he is on the small size, lacks punching power at 147, and doesn't like to fight inside.
When Did REED Say the Left Hook WASN'T Effective Against Southpaws???...Please Point Out the EXACT Minute-Second Mark of the Video OR Recant Your Statement... REED
Oh. I thought you said the fact that Garcia's best punch was his left hook was not ideal since the lead right is the best punch against southpaws. Ok. So you're not saying that? My bad.
Kind of hard to look past the first 3 rounds of Khan vs Garcia and hold out much hope for him vs Spence. Spence won't walk into one.
Literally the only chance Danny has is that the combination of the car accident and the weight draining has ruined Spence. The good news for Garcia is, that is somewhat of a possibility. Garcia has no chance of beating a Spence that's 100%.
I've always been suspect of strong guys who didn't have a genuine killer punch and couldn't work at true volume either. Carl Frampton, Danny Garcia, Miguel Cotto to name just a few are guys that had these issues. Danny's a compact guy with solid basics and a good crisp hook that is hurtful but not lethal at the upper level. Simply not good enough to beat a guy of Spences nature- unless Spence is damaged. Even then is Garcia going to be able to work at a fast enough clip to get him to unravel? I don't think so.
ThaT's either overrating Spence or underrating Garcia. While I make Spence a strong favorite, Garcia is definitively a live dog
He hit Khan in the neck. Khan finished the fight upright. Garcia is no murderous puncher. He hits hard, but he doesn't have the power to make up for the fact that he can't fight all-in for 12 rounds. He could have beaten Porter if he'd only been more active. Either he didn't want it or he just can't move his hands for 12 rounds at 147.
Garcia struggled in his last fight with that Ivan bum. He struggled with a shot Guerrero. He struggled with a shot Judah. What they all have in common? Southpaws. Danny is very bad against southpaws. His only chance is Spence being ruined. Thats it.
You sais exactly the same thing with porter, and we all saw what happened. Garcia is too good to have no chance against anybody
Porter's style is more difficult for Spence than Garcia's. Tell us, genius, outside of landing a bomb that stops Spence, how will Garcia win? He won't outbox Spence, nor will he outwork him. Remind me again what quality, durable guys Garcia has stopped. Girly chinned Khan and punching bag Rios don't count
I would say Granados is the closest one (though him being quality is debatable). Garcia has good timing, if he manages to read Spence attack pattern, he has a road to victory. Again its a pretty slim one, but to dismiss completely his chances is juvenile at best
REED was Going to Say Granados As Well... No World Beater but Garcia is the ONLY Man to Stop Him...Danny Whupped his Ass Too... REED
Looking forward to it, but not in a "mark the date on the calendar" sort of way. Probably will be a good fight but the only thing keeping the winner in doubt is Errol's condition.