Inspired by UGO mentioning Hopkins-Johnson, one of my favorite aesthetically pleasing beatdowns to watch. Other beautiful to watch beatdowns that I love: Napoles-Cokes Chavez-Rosario Robins0n-Lamotta IV Toney-Barkley Duran-Palomino Pedroza-Ford Nunn-Tate Esparragoza-Cruz Hagler-Obelmejias McCallum-Watson Olivares-Rose Corrales-Manfredy
Mosley-Margarito Pacquiao-Margarito Gomez-Zarate Sanchez-Gomez Barrera-Hamed Holmes-Cooney Ali-Patterson Trinidad-Joppy Calaghe-Lacey Lewis-Tyson Maidana-Broner honorable mention: Jones-Pazienza
Larry Holmes v Muhammad Ali Lupe Pintor v Johnny Owen Luis Resto v Billy Collins Jr Ray ´Boom Boom´ Mancini v Kim Fuk-koo
Chavez vs Taylor Part 1. You'll never see a guy as close to winning a massive fight as Taylor was and yet have, before the fight ended, absolutely no chance of winning the rematch. This is the best beating you will ever see as Taylor had absolutely got the contest won, hands down, and was utterly diminished as a fighter and as a person. His face was coming apart. He'd swallowed a pint of his own blood. And this was winning.
No, it´s a good list, but that fight is the oddity. Looking back on the night (it was a Thursday ) - I was cheering for Holmes all the way...
Yeah but this is even better. Rarely does a guy so badly beaten down winning the fight. It's one of the worst beatdowns ever and it's from a guy LOSING the rounds
Try Vitali vs Arreola. Dude was crying afterwards and then told the cameras he heard Vitali making weeping noises when he was hitting him.
Does a beatdown have to be prolonged? How prolonged? I presume people mean fights where the guy is basically beaten up over 12 rounds or so? I liked Shane vs Margarito. Shane specifically went looking for that cheating bum and laid it on him.
No, the beatdowns don't have to be prolonged, but I would say at least 3 rounds. Fights like Corrales-Manfredy, and Gomez-Zarate count, even though they only lasted 3-4 rounds. A one round blowout like Lewis-Golota wouldn't count.
Jeff Fenech vs Victor Callejas is another one I like. That fight is kinda like a poor man's Chavez-Rosario.
From your memory, was Callejas big in PR during the mid 80s? I know he was touted as Gomez's heir apparent.