Both sides in talks. This fight HAS to happen! Floyd Mayweather v Logan Paul: a note-perfect signpost for the end of days Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul 'in talks', according to Viddal Riley
You´ll watch it. So will every other fake, hypocritical faggot that posts on this dogshit site or has ever posted here (and then fucked off)
I was speaking to an old timer today who told me he beat Kevin Finnegan as an amateur. His kid was trained a bit by John L Gardner. He has a picture on his sitting room wall that Len Harvey have him. Just the other day I saw a picture of him online posing with a guy called Les Stevens, a gyppo from Surrey who boxed John Conteh over 15 rounds and dropped a decision. Stevens died a few weeks back, 69. His mate Frankham was doing a bit of Bird for being a right scumbag. This old timer knew all of these things. He said he fell out of amateur boxing as he had forearm tats and the ABA frowned on this in the 60's. Back then kids had no gumshields or headguards or fuck all. He told me the story of a black geezer who had come down from Willesden with great skills and wound up killed on the cobbles fighting outside a nightclub.
This is interesting. I wonder how often that kind of thing happened/happens, not only death, but being stabbed/bottled, etc
It's a regular occurrence now in London. Import shit, get shit. James Oyebola told a group of lads to put out their cigarettes in a pub in Fulsham, one of them shot him dead on the spot.
Mayweather just confirmed this on his Insta with a early bird PPV offer of $25 for the first 1 million Mayweather vs Paul Live PPV buys. It's only $25 for the first mill. Goes to $40 after a mill. Then it goes to $60 by the end of the year & $70 in the final ten days. It's an interesting pricing strategic. I think more PPV's should start low for early buyers & raise the price as it gets closer to fight time. Would give them more viewers & likely more money.
Hey, look at it this way. It's a win-win. Most likely Floyd will clown Paul, even though Logan is 50 pounds heavier. And show up this Youtubers fighting trend for the joke it is. So that's a huge win for actual boxing. Where can I watch the Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul fight online? - Quora
Anyone who thinks the standards in boxing are as high as they've ever been needs to be forced to watch this fight and then retract that viewpoint.
I'm not convinced it belongs on a boxing forum full stop. Seems like a place for a YouTube comments section tbh.