Does Loma have a chance? All the other greats at 135 beat him but does he have a shot against Mosley? Mosley has the advantages but his fighting IQ was always in question. Could Loma out think and outhustle him enough to win a decision or does Mosley's size, speed and brutal bodypunching take Loma out?
I think if Loma had more one punch snapping power like Pacquiao he could pull it off. Something to make Shane a bit more tentative to give him room to make it a more cerebral affair. He's clearly a more skilled boxer, but physical strength, size and body punching like you mentioned are all in favor of Mosley. It's too much of package for Lomachenko to handle.
Mosley would have destroyed Loma at 135, and I said this years ago. Loma has jack shit in his arsenal to deter Shane with, and just like he had problems with Fimo's athleticism, he'd have the same issues here, only on a bigger scale. Mosley knocks him out late.
Loma - tough with Linares. Tough fight with Campbell. Loses clearly to Lopez. Beats prime Mosley easy. Makes sense...
Based on what we have seen so far, yes, Mosley obviously wins. However, Mosley had as hard a struggle against Rivera as Loma did with Linares, and calling Campbell fight tough is quite a stretch
My bad, although that bout does show that changing divisions can be tricky. I was thinking about the Holiday fight
Tough call to be honest. I actually think it would be a lot closer than most give Loma credit for. I think Loma slightly out points Mosley based on superior ring intelligence, and superior defense which would allow him to hit Mosley more than Mosley hits him. Plus as great as Mosley’s work rate and stamina was at 135 Loma’s was just on another level.
Oh please. This guy STILL has everyone fooled??? Loma is not beating Mosley. To let his hands go against Shane means handling what's coming back, and Loma wouldn't be able to handle the return fire. And on the flip side, his punches would bounce off Mosley like nothing... he wouldn't be able to hurt Mosley, even a tiny bit. Did yall not see Fimo hurt him to the body??? Lopez isn't even known as a body puncher, and badly hurt him in the late rounds to the body. The fuck you think a devastating body puncher like lightweight Mosley would do? Please come to terms with reality, and for the love of God realize that Loma is not as good as hyped.
Understand that is there is no fighter who beat prime Mosley as a smaller man. Forrest = was able to hurt him. Wright = was physically stronger, and could push Shane back. Loma is neither.
I can't see how anyone can see this as anything else but a massacre after last night. Loma was scared shitless of teo size speed and power. Mosley was bigger, more powerful (arguably) and much much faster
What do you mean Loma has everyone fooled? You haven’t proven anything here, you’re just posting an unprovable opinion. You mention Loma handling Mosley’s return fire, but I already said Loma has better defense than Shane with the ability to slip punches and catch them on his gloves. Also Lopez hurting him to the body probably had a lot more to do with Loma fighting a guy a good bit bigger than him. At the same time Shane’s borderline weight cheating strength and body punching style he consistently stuck to at 135 does give him a slight edge here, I just think Shame was too simple minded in the ring and Loma would figure him out. I’m not going to go definite on my prediction unlike some people but I think this fight is closer than most people think. I’m also not going to reconsider someone’s greatness based on one loss especially when that loss had more to do with a huge size discrepancy and a bad early fight plan execution. All of a sudden people act like Loma got exposed by Lopez which isn’t the case. He lost but he still looked great during the rounds he actually fought in against a bigger and younger opponent. Why? What happened last night?
The size disparency between lopez and.loma is overstated. It looked bigger than it was cause of lomachenko weird tepidness
I kinda agree with lb 4 lb about how we draw huge conclusions from single results. I am not ready to proclaim that Lomas was always overhyped. We have enough data to conclude that at lightweight he wasn't as good. That still doesn't mean that he didn't look astonishingly good in the lower weights. Walters and Rigo have been bashed as opponents only after Loma beat the fight out of them. Also, if Loma lost a relatively close fight against Lopez, does it mean he gets completely humiliated by any past champ? Not imo. Who is to say Lopez isn't an excellent fighter? He has done very little wrong so far in his career. Mosley is easily more proven than him but to assume that Lopez is nowhere near his level again shows how difficult it is for a recent fighter to get a fair shake
If this was an amateur fight i would agree 100% that's what would happen. This is however more than the art of hit and avoid getting hit and power shots being scored the same. Mosley is much bigger and has extremely fast hands himself. Yes, Loma is the quicker thinker with the better defense, but connect percentage doesn't matter as much what those connects accomplish. Shane's shots will have much more impact.
You having flashbacks to your father again? It's ok, I know the beatings stopped once you did what you were told and put your mouth where he directed. Healing is hard, huh? Now you take it out on us.
Moseley too fast, too powerful for ´Modern-Day-Excuse-For-A-Boxer´ Lomachenko. Lomachenko is done and dusted. A great amateur fighter who will retire before 20 fights.
I'm a big fan of both guys, I do think Loma is just a small small dude and 135 is too much for him. Shane was a killer at LW. Loma looks like he could shop at the boys section, like he must wear a shirt that would fit a 10year old boy. He is small