I spent a few minutes trying to recall some great uppercut KOs in history. I'm not sure any were quite as sweet as last night. Definitely one of the best uppercut KOs we've ever seen.
Davis ko was more vicious and picturesque but I actually like Santa Cruz and hated diaz so the latter was more satisfying
Maybe Ernie Shavers uppercut KO of Jimmy Ellis. That rivals last night, but still, Ellis wasn't SLEEP SLEEP the way Leo was.
Nothing beats Ike's uppercut on Byrd. Best shot of the century. It was like a shot gun blast. Byrd was sleep walking for the rest of the week.
He was slobbering and telling the ref about his plans to build a tree house mid fight. He was 100% knocked out from the second it landed and everything he did was instinctual muscle memory. His brain was in deep sleep.
Actually, there might be one better and it slipped my mind at first: Mike Spinks' left uppercut KO of Marvin Johnson.
A lot of the KO uppercuts are usually close in-fighting, I picked Pacquiao´s because it was at range.
Tyson-Marvis Frazier of course deserves mention. Even though that was a combo, it was really only one right uppercut that knocked Frazier out, and the rest was just window dressing.
Foreman's shot that lifted Frazier up from the canvas has to be mentioned. It wasn't a lights-out KO but it ended the fight
Castillo on bazan. Not sure if it was the ko punch though Edit: no it wasn't The smash deserves a few mention
Spinks’s KO of Marvin Johnson was the first to come to mind. Sort of a hooker cut For some reason, single shot uppercut knockouts are rare compared to other punches like left hooks or right crosses (or the southpaw equivalent). I know a big reason is the angle which hooks come from are often hard to see coming, but I don’t think a lot of these other monster uppercuts were seen by the guys taking them.