REED's Literally Seen Video's of Broner FLUSHING Hundreds of Dollars Down a Fucking TOILET...Seen Him Use Hundreds to Roll/Smoke Blunts Too... Soooooo YEAH, This is Hilarious!!!... REED
I feel sorry for Floyd, because, when Broner runs out of money, it's like Floyd running out of money, too.
Broner reminds me of Albert in Heat. "I got rich friends, tonight, I got money coming, I I I I........................................." "..........don't waste my MOTHERUCKING TAHAYME!!!""
Is he some sort of an Asperger kid who just goes around with a camera and a rucksack all day recording the fighters and uploading it to his channel?
That's harsh. I don't wish death on AB, but I know it's not gonna end well for him. I worry he's gonna commit suicide within the next 5 years, and no, I'm not joking. He's a mentally fragile dude who's hinted at it before. I just feel the pressure of debt, child support, and legal problems are gonna drive him to hurt himself. The fact that he's a full blown alcoholic is only gonna exacerbate his depression.
Broner doesn't even have a path outta debt. His star power is dying, if not dead. But what's really bad for him is, he's not good enough to win any big money fight he would get, and he needs to win at least one to keep getting paydays. If he does in fact fight Prograis next, that's not gonna be a huge fight to casuals, and Regis will beat the living shit outta him.
O hell no... Ellie didnt just say a 40 pound overweight Broner is running and training hard. He's lying like a mf . Broner's career just reminded me of this quote from Bronx tale. "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever."
When they taking Broner away in cuffs, he's gonna hear another BX Tale quote, "Now Yous Can't Leave."
His best bet at this point is to bank on a Thurman fight. Both Thurman and AB are has been's, but a matchup between the two can still generate some attention.
Peaked at 135, and should have stayed there. How you figure 22 year old Broner matches up with Haney and Garcia? Fimo would be way too much for him.
Will always overrate Broner, cause the first time i saw him was against demarco. Never looked as good before or after, but damm he looked like a superstar in that one
Yeah he didnt live up to people's expectations of him but had enough talent to hang around a little longer and make a few more bucks. His problem was lazyness, an unchecked ego and stupidity.
He did look good against DeMarco, which is why I said he shoulda kept his fat ass at 135. But, had he stayed at 135, he likely runs into Crawford and gets fucked up.
Canastota should be burned down if Broner gets in. He won't get in though. He's disliked and his wins are putrid, even by HOF standards. He's lost, and lost big to every top guy he's ever faced