I've honestly never seen any Ingle, but I do really like Hoko. His fights with Goyo and Villasana are awesome.
Anyone ever order a package from BOXING DVDS? I just bought a Lujan boxset. It has about 15 fights in it.
Buzzing. That's good to know, coz there were no time when it'd be delivered. Heard good things though. Although TBF, aren't you from New York? I'm sure you got yours quicker than I'll get mine.
I'd pick Ingle here in a good one. Underrated little battler, was Paul. Shame what happened to him. I used to drink quite regularly in his pub in Scarborough when I was a student working on the holiday camps back in 2000 - 02. Had all his boxing memorabilia on the walls and was a nice place to sink a few ales. MTF
Ingle was definitely underrated. Great engine, high workrate, somewhat vulnerable too which made for some cracking scraps. Somebody mentioned the Jones fight on the Lewis-Grant undercard which is well worth a watch, as is his fight with Medina when he won his World title. He had a lot of fun fights at domestic level too before he took on Naz.
Bransholme boxing academy scoops £2,500 towards makeover He's alright, albeit he's gained a bit of weight... MTF