Who wins? I'll refrain from giving a proper thought out answer until after watching some of my Lujan boxset, which has just arrived, although I do lean toward Castillo.
Castillo wins. I would start on the boxset by watching Lujan vs Davila, which was a VERY high skill level chessmatch that I enjoyed. I didn't officially score it, but I remember thinking Lujan won, but not by much. Davila, although excellent, was not as good as Castillo. I consider Lujan/Davila like a poor man's version of Rose/Castillo. So yeah, I would pick Castillo over Lujan. I'd pick Rose and Herrera over Lujan as well.
Let me know if my memory of Lujan-Davila is rusty or not, because it was years ago that I saw it, and I only saw it once.
If you could upload Lujan-Davila to YT it would be awesome, because it's not there anymore. It used to be.