96 Tua kills Wilder. Beyonce has no jab to keep David off with, and no footwork to avert his pressure. It would be a violent KO with the Bama bum laid out flat.
Wilder can hurt anyone but Tua aint likely to get sparked by a single shot. It also helps to set up a right hand behind a good jab which doesn't exist here. Everything points to Tua.
If somebody pulled that shit with me i would not only confirm it, I'd make a video and hire a good actor showing us performing the "spell".
I guess if wilder can do like he did in the first stiverne fight, he might have a shot. But that seems like it was an aberration. And tua is no stiverne
Wilder can't even keep Parker at bay. Tua would walk him down to the ropes and straight to his demise. Tua KO 2
Probably not as quick as 2 rounds. Tua would need a few rounds to get inside of Wilder's height and range. Prime Tyson KOs Wilder in 2, because he had the footspeed and skill to immediately close the distance. It would take Tua longer, but the end result is definitely Beyonce out cold.
This Is Literally the Only Plausible Scenario, Affording Wilder EVERY Single Benefit of the Doubt...Tua Beats Him 8 1/2 Out of 10, 1 Win and a Draw for Wilder, @ Most... REED
Wilder's best shot at a win is against the fat ass 245 pound Tua. Even then, his chances are not good, but at least there's a chance. His odds are dismal against the 225 pound Tua who had actually gave a shit, and who had some quickness and a high workrate. David Tua's gotta be one of the only MFs in history who lost motivation BEFORE getting a title shot.
The thing that really fucks Wilder in this matchup is that even in wins, his ass always gets hurt. One thing about David Tua... he was absolutely MURDER as a finisher. I'd go as far as to say that Tua is a top 10 finisher in heavyweight history. He really really knew how to close the show once he got a guy in even a little bit of trouble.... unlike geriatric Ortiz.