Who got exposed? Paul? Paul's more exposed than a fucking polaroid photo. He's just a chancer, a show pony. He milks suckers, fair play, but he's no boxer.
Exposed as a Flavor of the Month Opportunist…Not That BOXING Fans Ever Doubted This… But to the Degree Paul was “Marketable” Last Night Chipped Away at It for Sure…Paul Ran, Grabbed and HELD an Older, Undersized MMA Guy w/Bare Minimum Hand Striking Skills… Paul was HURT and Should’ve Had a Knockdown Ruled Against Him as Well… BOXING Is the Ultimate “What’s Next” Sport - If Paul Faces TOUGHER Opposition a VIOLENT KO LOSS Is Inevitable…If He’s Been SPOOKED As it Seems, and he Takes a LESSER Opponent, Will the CLOWN Fight/CIRCUS Fight Crowd Still Show INTEREST??? Either Way, He’s Not Looooong for This (Boxing) World… REED
Gerald Tucker was in Woodley's corner. We had one of our own right there on the world stage. It really raises Fightbeat's profile. I'm surprised showtime's crew didn't talk about that. As for the fight, well . Paul's little gimmick is coming to an end I believe. Woodley was inept and made him run for his life. I don't think Paul is fooling anyone anymore, even his dumb followers that know nothing about boxing. He might be able to milk it a little bit more because everyone now knows he's a KO in waiting.
REED Always Enjoyed Gerald Tucker's Presence and Contributions to Discussions...Sad He Was Met w/a Good Bit of DERISION and RIDICULE While Here... Had Fightbeat Treated Tucker BETTER During His Stay, He May Have Rocked a Fightbeat T-Shirt in the Ring Last Night... Moral to the Story; It Takes EFFORT to Be a DICK...Treat People RIGHT, Because it's EASIER and You NEVER Know What They May Go On to Do/Accomplish, After You've BURNED Bridges w/Them... REED
REED Bets Badou ROLLS His Fucking Eyes Everytime Some Media Sort Says "Jake SPARS w/Badou Jack"... REED
He was met with ridicule because of his misplaced lack of humility. But yeah, thinking about it, he didn't deserve that much ridicule. He wasn't dislikable even though he was a bit deluded. I was guilty of ridiculing him a lot too, I wouldn't act like that now. But even if he stayed longer, or was still here, I doubt he would associate himself with fightbeat on that stage, have you seen the degenerates that post here?
In Gerald's Defense (), He Was Still Pursuing His FIGHTING Career @ the Time... He was CONFIDENT In Himself, Sure, But Not in an EXHAUSTING, "Dude, PLEASE Shut the Fuck UP!" Kind of Way...In REED's Opinion, That Is... REED's Pretty Sure He's Seen Tucker in Footage Here or There, Holding Mitts @ Goosen's Gym and Others...Seems to Be Settling Into a TRAINING Career... REED Won't Lie, He was a Bit PROUD Seeing Gerald Working the Corner of a PPV Main Event...Fightbeat "Knew" Him Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay Back When...That Said, Fightbeat's NOT for the Faint of Heart and EVERYBODY That Posts Here Gets FUCKED WITH @ Some Point, No Exceptions... REED
He Was???...Was He Looking for "Sponsors" or Flat Out BUMMING Money from Fightbeater's???... REED Can't Say he Remembers Any of That... REED
Fair play to Paul. He can't fight a luck and I've no time for whatever the fuck her does 'for a living' but he's given up a fair old chunk of his purse, there. MTF
He was met with ridicule because he was CONSTANTLY on the verge of coming back etc. He was patently out of shape and he'd post some video of him doing two minutes or less of skipping. Total non eventer.