November 20,.. Gotta be Bud’s toughest fight to date. Porter is hard to look good against,..granite chin and limitless stamina. I see Bud losing this by TKO in the late rounds by simply getting worn down
Good fight. Hate Porter's style but he seems to be able to push the very best close so it will be interesting to see how Bud deals with him.
i wouldn't call porter granite chinned. he was hurt bad by broner and spence. his chin is reliable but not granite imo.
I think he's getting stopped. Seems like one of those types of styles. Almost like a longer, more competitive-early on verison of the Horn fight.
he lost to julio diaz, brook, thurman and ugas. barely beat garcia (i think he lost) and got the shit beat outta him by spence, on the verge of being KOd.
If Porter has even so much as one remaining tooth afterward are you going to come back and admit you were wrong?
he did. it didn't come close to being the one-sided win that people like neil said it would. which is fine. we all get things wrong. but he never acknowledges it or updates his beliefs in light of the evidence.
He gave Spence a tough fight, but I felt EJ won like 8-4ish. I could see 7-5 if you give Porter every benefit, but that's best case. Even 7-5, with a KD that's Spence 115-112. Though I'm a Spence fan, I have to admit... Crawford is a better counterpuncher than Spence, and Crawford has a higher ring IQ than Spence. He sees and reacts to defensive openings quicker and more accurately than Spence, therefore, I see Shawn getting countered to death.
I'm harsh on Porter, but I'm obviously exaggerating when I call him crap. I think that everyone realizes I don't actually mean that he's a bum. He's a good fighter, but will always come up short against the elite. And Crawford is the elite.
I think Crawford just has too much skill and class. I can see Porter shaking him up in the early going but class tells over time. Crawford via UD.
Pffft.... Daphne Spence had to hit the 'emergency button' rapidly, when scary circumstances were getting a bit too much for him. When Porter's proving to be too much of a man, naturally they're all gunna give his magic beans a twist,....Spence 'woke up to the plague of toxic masculinity' , and you're proud of him.
His style is to muffle for truffles, naturally snout-first after these tresspassing little ring-trolls, it's just a short sharp squeal, then he's bollocksing after them again.
I wont have it! ....Crawfish gon get his scrumptious little ''kippy'' tail lusciously jouuwelled! ...a ''new found appreciation'', Reed please, that sounds like the name of a farm you send him to for the inevitable. Besides that, good work.