Colin in Black and White

Discussion in 'Movies & Televison: Reviews, Discussions & Debate' started by lb 4 lb, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    A co-worker showed me this show on his ipad and I not only got hooked but thought it would be something the missus would enjoy. I was correct as we both sat and enjoyed it together. It’s a light hearted warm telling of Colin Kapernick’s life which I think those who are indifferent or fans of Kapernick would all enjoy. Kapernick haters will probably hate this show as it will likely highlight many of the issues they hate about CK, race in particular.

    The show itself starts out looking like a documentary with CK opening up with a monologue and short segment about sports. It soon devolves into a tv series with a young actor portraying CK in middle school up through his senior year in high school as he deals with issues of race, sports, and life in general. CK will occasionally make other appearances within each episode to narrate or monologue a point. The show has a dramatic overtone with the feel of a comedy almost like the Cosby show though with less jokes and certainly sans laugh track. The actors are all very good and the directing and cinematography are top notch.

    Due to the political and racial views of many of its users, the show sits at a misrepresentative 4.3 on IMDB. If you go in the IMDB reviews you can read for yourself that many people (conservatives, racists, etc) couldn’t separate their hatred of CK or Ava Duverney from the show or they had an issue with the racial issues that the show centered on. Yes it’s heavily focused on racial issues in every episode and in almost every CK monologue but why is that such an issue for so many people?

    Haters of Colin Kapernick, civil rights, BLM, all things black representative and criticism of white racism should probably steer clear of this, so too should conservatives and those who can’t keep an open mind or separate their politics from entertainment. For anyone else I highly recommend this show which I believe is good viewing the whole family would enjoy.

  2. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Didn't see it, but supposedly there's a scene where they are comparing the nfl combi to a slave market. Seems to be in very poor taste
  3. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    That happened. At the same time you ever see a show that was perfect? Every show has flaws and this one is no different.
  4. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Im not saying the show sucks before of that, but it gives me the impression that it's a hours long complains about how the life of this poor millionnaire is so horrible. There's not a lot of things that bothers me more than famous millionaire playing the victim card.

    Anyway, according to your review, seems that i might be mistaken, and if i ever re-subscribe to netflix, I'll probably give the show a try


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Have You Ever Actually SEEN the NFL Combine???:Jest:...

    Literal OWNERS, Players Categorized and Lined Up, NOT Unlike Cattle or Slaves Fresh Off the Boat, Coaches PRODDING Players (Verbally of Course) for the Sole Purpose of Gauging Their PHYSICAL Worth for Their Teams...

    Bear in Mind, American Football is THE Most Violent "Mainstream" Sport, Yet Their Contracts AREN'T Fully Guaranteed...Owners CUT Players Routinely, Without Honoring the Contracts Those Players Signed...

    Not to Mention the FACT 75%-80% of the Players are BLACK, Whereas 90%-95% of the Owners are WHITE...

    Knowing a Bit About Your Heritage and the Fact You're Canadian, REED Will Safely ASSUME You're Not Up to Speed on the LOOK of the NFL, But the "Slave Market" Vibe to the Combine is UNDENIABLE...



    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Not Trying to Be Argumentative (For REAL, You and REED are Cool:cheers:), but Kaepernick was for Sure Victimized and Vilified by the NFL Bruh...

    What's Funny is, he Did the Anthem Protests in Virtual ANONYMITY for Like 2 Weeks...A Member of the Media Finally Noticed and Asked WHY Kapernick Sat on the Bench During the Anthem and He Explained it was His Silent, Peaceful Protest Against Police Brutality on People of Color...Most Didn't Give a Fuck About Nor Notice His Actions UNTIL He Explained WHY He was Doing It...

    From There, a Green Beret Named Nate Boyer "Advised" Kap to @ Least KNEEL During the Anthem, on the Sideline w/his Team, vs. Sitting AWAY from Them Altogether...Boyer Even Stood Next to Kapernick as he Knelt Before a Game...& Shit Hit the Proverbial Fan from There...

    It was Later PROVEN in Court the NFL Conspired to BLACKBALL Kapernick After that Season, Ending His NFL Career...The 90%-95% WHITE Ownership Couldn't Have the "Hired Help" DARING to Use Their OWN Platform and Constitutional American RIGHT to Peacefully Protest Against Police Brutality on People of Color...How DARE Them!!!!:duck:

    REED Gets Your "Millionaire Victim" Point, But if a Millionaire is Being BULLIED and/or Treated UNJUSTLY By BILLIONAIRES, Shouldn't Your Outrage Be Reserved for the RICHER of the 2 Evils???...

  7. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib

    Stephen A. Smith has entered the thread, and he sees nothing wrong with this.
    REEDsART likes this.
  8. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Don't.get me wrong reed, i think it was shitty how the nfl treated Kaepernick. Just feel it's a bit in bad taste to compare going to the combi (which is pretty much the dream of a ton of Americans) to the horror that was a slave market. Its like the anitvaxxers comparing themselves to jews under the third reich. Now, i don't want to be too hard on him and the show, cause i know that sometimes you have to exaggerate to get a point across, but i still find it is a very poor metaphor. I must say that I'm a bit surprised you seems alright with it. Would have tought that you would be one of the first one that is bothered by it. And is the nfl really the most dangerous mainstream sport? Hockey is hard as hell, and th hits are on average worse than in the nhl (see poor evans getting absolutely destroyed by scheifele not long ago). And they also goes through a combi, even though they are almost all whites

    But anyway, i dont want to sound like an angry republican (which i aint). I really really respect koepenick for his stance and actions (takes a lot of courage to sacrifice your career to promote what you believe in. I for sure dint think id have the guts to go as far as he went). That particular scene just made me wonder if the show is not a serie of "poor me, im such a victin". According to lb4lb it doesn't sound to be the case, so ill wait to see the show before commenting more.

    As for your last point, i dont really care about these wars between millionaire and billionaire. Both are extremely privileged and i dont see the point of favoring one over the other. I'm much more interested in seeing the one who are really discriminated improving their lot. That's why all these movement like " oscar are so white" (or oprah not feeling respected in a gucci shop) pass through me like water on a duck. I've seen discrimination affecting minorities (which im one,) a lot more than this
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021

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