This popped into my YouTube feed this morning: It's hard to imagine a worse attempt at a top 10 welterweight KOs list. So, let's create a better list. What are your top 10 all-time welterweight KOs? If you want to limit it to just those on film, that's fine because I don't think it's possible to do worse than what Top Rank has done with its video... Or if you just want to rip into the above video, be my guest!
I'd have to think about the other nine, but for me, Leonard vs Dave Green is the best welterweight KO.
Of the Donald Curry knockouts, they pick Rodriguez and not Milton McCrory?? JMM-Pacquiao 4 is obviously up there. Some others that come to mind SRL-Green Trinidad-Blocker Trinidad-Zulu Hearns-Cuevas
#01: Leonard vs Green #02. Marquez vs Pacquiao IV #03. Hearns vs Cuevas #04. Griffith vs Paret III #05. Trinidad vs Blocker
Surprised to see hearns cuevas so high on a few lists. Technically, it wasnt even a ko, since it.was stopped by the corner after cuevas beat the count
That was my thoughts as well. I don't see how Hearns-Cuevas beats Leonard-Green. Green was out cold as a rock.
I'd have Leonard-Green top too, that was a legitimately scary knockout. Green was out cold and still took some full-leathered shots on the way down.
One which absolutely has to be mentioned is Geoff McCreesh vs Dingaan Thobela. Thobela went on to win- in controversial circumstances- and then LOSE it likewise- the 168lb Title years after the fact. McCreesh was a hard man but he was nothing special. Absolutely nothing special. So for him to go to Africa and ice Thobela with one right hand- the way he did it- was a bit special. Might be the best on-the-road KO by a non-elite British fighter.
there is no debate that the top welterweight KO was clearly 3 time champ randall bailey ending the career of unbeaten champ mike jones with 1 brutal uppercut
Green was tough as nails. To see him laid out like that was surreal. Trinidad-Zulu was another one. Hearns-Cuevas was also ugly.
Catley said afterwards that Thobelas gloves were loaded and he felt he was being hit with "Glass Ashtrays". Catley had fought good guys, never a problem, suddenly he's getting beaten down by a former Lightweight. Could be BS, could be true, but David Hilton did beat Thobela in his very next fight.
Yeah but you'll find one of those claims got a lot of serious play. One of them didn't. Catley was allowed to make his claim in Boxing Monthly, and they didn't go any further. They quoted him and left it at that.