Barry has the style match-up here, as Jofre's issues tended to come from pressure fighters at 118. He seemed to struggle with both Aoki and Marques, and obviously he lost to Harada twice. Barry was a lot tougher than those three and a lot stronger and more powerful. I think he'd present Jofre a lot of issues, but ultimately I think he's too open for such a surgical, skilled counter-puncher. Jofre is likely good enough at overcoming rough spots to ride out those moments where Barry has him hurt and is skilled enough to keep the pace at something he's comfortable with.
In matchups like this, you ask your self, is the gap in class big enough to overcome the gap in size/strength? I'd say, yeah. Wouldn't be an easy fight for Jofre, but I think he's too classy for the ole corrupt promoter.
It'd be the same for Gomez or Olivares. Despite being smaller than Barry, they figure to be far too good/classy.
It's pretty weird how you've got three all time greats all similar in size who were so evenly matched, all fought in a similar time frame, whose best attributes were all similar, yet they all had their own styles. In fact, I'd go so far as to say physically, they all had the same weaknesses too. Must've been so cool to watch their careers as they happened.
Gomez and Olivares, we can at least witness most their prime fights on YT. Due to that goddamn TV station in Brazil burning down, we'll never see multiple fights of Jofre at his true peak. The only full, peak performance we'll ever have is Medel I. And he looked fucking amazing in that performance.
He did, but I think it gets forgotten how damn Medel also looks in that fight. Chris' book on Jofre is absolutely unbelievable.
Something I think which people forget about Gomez is how he's pretty much the only person in Sanchez's title reign to repeatedly corner him and not allow him to move off. Not that it ended well for him, but it shows just how damn good Gomez's offensive skill was. He was so much more than fire and brimstone.