I just finished a long shift at work, looked at my phone and saw this: https://twitter.com/MichaelBensonn/status/1516905885053956097?t=Nxq2Hq0AKrAaM7AfJfvBsQ&s=19 Wtf
I think the saddest thing is, if it's a decent price with a real undercard, I'd 100% go and watch it.
If it wasn’t overpriced and I’d have nothing to do, sure. I’d rather see Trinidad-De La Hoya, though.
Not gonna happen. Ricky probably got confused when some promoter said hey ricky would you be interested if i lined something up.....?
REED Ain't MAD @ It... What's Wrong w/2 HOF'ers Making a Buck Off of THEIR Name???...@ Least They're Facing Former BOXERS, Unlike Floyd or Jake Paul... Yes, it's Still a SIDESHOW, as Was Tyson vs. Roy, Admittedly...But REED Has No Problem w/REAL Boxers Who PAID Their Fucking Dues Milking THEIR Name Another Time or 2.... Loooooooong as it ISN'T Exorbitantly Priced, REED'll Watch... REED
So REED's Fat Again Now, Huh employee???...You Called REED a "Crack Head" Like 2 Months Ago....Make Your Stuttering, Pimply Backed Mind Up, Motherfucker... & Then Go KILL Yourself...NO ONE Will Miss You... Bye!!! REED
I wanna watch Barrera vs Morales IV…yeah they are friend/friendly now a day but I bet they will go 0 to 100 once they’re in the ring.
They are not as friendly as you think. They have a youtube channel together. Well they had but no longer do the podcast together. There is still beef between them even after all these years .
Yeah once we hoist them in there.....lower them down, get them free of their harness....manoeuvre them to the center of the ring ....we should be good to go ....eventually.
Ricky Hatton has reluctantly confirmed that his exhibition bout with Marco Antonio Barrera will have to be put on hold. The Hitman had dropped over 40 lbs to prepare for his ring return in front of the Sky Sports cameras