Rd 3 was a good round, I think in my mind Bivol stole it in the last 10 secs but Canelo is there all the time. Bivol 29-28
Bivol doing fine but i don't see him winning a decision this way. One Canelo punch counts for three of his opponent's.
Bivol landed a five punch combination and backed off, he's trying to win a decision, i think in my mind
Bivol Rd, finished on top, Canelo let him get away a bit, chess match. I find it disconcerting watching Bivol run away from Canelo though. 48-47 Bivol
can we stop talking about this from the point of view of corrupt judges? judge the fight at face value.
Canelo needs Tito's wraps to win. I mean he'll probably "win" anyway, but the wraps would guarantee it