20 years ago one of the most well known fights took place that provided so much drama and action it was like something out of a Rocky movie. Although both fighters weren't elite level talents they both gave the fans their all and showed nothing but heart and will. It was definitely a fight to remember.
Overrated as fuck. I rewatched it maybe.... twice... after watching it live, and never had any desire to watch it again. So yeah, its been like 20 years since I've seen it. Good fight, but I dont see it as legendary.
Corrales-Castillo 1 is in a class of its own. It's the best fight of the last 25 years... hands down. Gatti-Ward 1 doesn't compare to Tito-Vargas or MAB-Morales 1, if we're talking the 2000s. It doesn't compare to Taylor-Pavlik 1 either. Matter of fact, DLH-Mosley 1 was a much better fight than Gatti-Ward 1 imo.
Hideki Todaka vs Yokthai Sithoar, which took place in 2000. A much better fighter than Gatti-Ward, imo:
By live I mean live on HBO. I wasn't there in person. I do remember that not many on the forum were giving Ward a chance - myself included. I picked Gatti by stoppage coming in. I admit, I was a Gatti idiot in 2002. Pre-Ward 1, I actually thought he was live against Tszyu. Retarded, I know.
i didnt even see it live on tv. was in vegas for the dreadful tszyu-tackie fight that night and didnt even watch the gatti fight until a few days later. so perhaps knowing the result took some of the drama away from it for me
It was far more entertaining, far more dramatic and fought at a much higher pace. Taylor vs Pavlik I is the most overrated fight ever.
Pavlik's recovery in the 2nd and the finish was great but the rest of the fight wasn't all that. Saying that, I also think Gatti-Ward is overrated, I've only rewatched it once.
I agree Corrales-Castillo 1 has to objectively be considered the greatest fight since 2000. I didn't watch it live and I saw the last round before seeing the whole fight which ruined it for me a bit. My personal favourite is always gonna be Morales-Barrera 1, incredible fight.
Great fight by two not so great fighters. Probably the best display of heart seen in the last 20 years.
Overrated meaningless fight. Good for them that they milked a trilogy and 1 million dollar paydays out of it. If you want a real classic then watch Corrales vs Castillo.
It was a great fight. Thread starter never claimed it was the greatest of all time and acknowledged they weren't elite talents. Not sure what the point of the replies are mentioning fights that were better.
Overrated. Too many fights that are better Trinidad-Vargas Morales-Barrera 1 Mosley-De La Hoya 1 Corrales-Castillo 1 Pac vs Márquez 1 & 2 Hamed vs Kelly Jones-Barrera 2 Too many to get into
There's been much better fights that I prefer over Gatti vs Ward 1, hell I would even say that Gatti-Robinson 1 and Ward-Burton are better fights. I just figured a fight that has been so well known needed a thread of its own since its already been 20 years since that fight happened. People can say how overrated it was but it was still a significant event for boxing and is considered one of the most memorable fights regardless how you think of Gatti and Ward.
Jones Barrera II was definitely not a better fight. Neither was Hamed-Kelley or Mosley-De La Hoya. I can understand thinking it's overrated, but for all those people rating it so low and saying " I've only even watched it once since it happened", how about you rewatch it them. It was definitely better than those two.
It's not legendary but it's one of those fights crucial to the life of boxing, it keeps it ticking over and alive in the mind of the public. Round 9 was an all time great round, for me.....it's not Hagler Vs Hearns round 1 but it's better than Homes-Norton round 15 and that was a great round.
The Gatti vs Ward trilogy were fun fights. Are they overrated? I think so. Neither guy was anything more than a journey man / gate keeper at that time. HBO saw an opportunity to cash in on Gatti's name and made a big production out of it. They fought at a brutal pace(first fight) so they earned their money and 5 minutes of fame. That whole black and white thing they did was pretty cool.
For me, no. I've rewatched Pavlik-Taylor 1 probably well over 30 times by now. Never cared for Gatti-Ward 1 beyond rewaching it a couple times in 2002. I think Gatti-Robinson 1 is a MUCHHHHH better fighter than Gatti-Ward.
I wouldn't say all that. Spinks-Lopez was a good fight though. Yauqi was up on the cards until Mike got warmed up and that Jinx started landing.