Difference is, with the Jordan Brand sneakers, Jordan will be wealthy forever. Floyd will blow most his shit within 20 years.
And if Nike created a "special edition" version that looked like this and charged 50 million dollars a pair Floyd would buy and wear them.
This card starts in 30 mins. 1pm US ET and even earlier further west. You'll be watching this at lunchtime in Vegas.
Round By Round... Round 1 - REED Masturbated...Takes 3 Minutes or LESS if You Rub and Tug Properly... Rounds 2 - 6 - REED Purchased and Consumed a Filet O' Fish Sandwich, Large Fry and Large Orange Soda from McDonald's....For the Record, REED DIDN'T Wash His Hands After Masturbating, Either.... Rounds 7 - 12 - REED Watched Competitive Kickball on ESPN43...As WEIRD as it Was, Watching ADULTS Play Kickball, Shit was Infinitely MORE Entertaining Than This DAZN Undercard Has Been... REED