Most people scored AJ v Usual II wrongly, imo. As I watched it live, it was obviously to me that AJ was winning rounds and was very much in the fight until he got brayed in the tenth. Canelo v GGG 1 was absolutely nothing like it. It was a clear win for GGG. Only an absolute genius like our very own G-man would argue otherwise. MTF
I have to agree even as a Canelo fan he needs a clear win to redeem himself. Everyone can see GGG has lost a step or two. A loss or another controversial gift decision would be disasterous for his legacy. Not that looking spectacular against an old GGG would impress his detractors as they always find something to bitch about. But atleast he wouldnt give them a reason.
So I've decided not to order this on Saturday. My decision is final. I just have zero interest in it. I predict that Canelo will either get a stoppage, or win like 10-2.
I never hope for bad/corrupt judging but it would be hilarious to see the reaction of Canelo and his groupies if he won the fight but lost a decision.
Sadly yeah but there's different outcomes i can hope for due to various reasons. Horrible judging isn't one of them. I don't like seeing people get robbed even if there is some form of so called karma to it. Another example is injuries in whatever sport. Even if i despise a player and they're going against my favorite team, i don't hope for them to get injured the night before the game. It's not as bad as robbery but i don't like "asterisks" either. Some scenarios are just fun to think of such as Canelo being the one ripped off. Another funny one would be Golovkin winning but then testing positive for clenbuterol.
Rooting heavily for Golovkin here. If he has one more in him, it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
Interesting... it seems that Canelo has a lot more people rooting against him. For those that dislike Canelo I have to ask what is the main reason for it. Is it? 1)Questionable decisions 2)Clauses 3)Seems like an unlikeable twat 4)He's Mexican(not a home grown fighter) 5)Overrated by his annoying and delusional fans. 6)Steriods I think Canelo is a very good fighter and arguably great. But I think Chavez and other Mexican legends surpass Canelo in terms of greatness. But still enjoy watching him win or lose still a fan. But does seem to have lots of haters here .
It clearly ain't number 4. There's never been some anti-Mexican agenda on here. People hate Canelo because he's a manufactured great. That's the long and short of it.
Canelo may finish his career inside the top ten Mexicans ever but I doubt he'll ever get close to the top five.
Chavez, Olivares, Sanchez, Saldivar, Canto, Zarate were all more dynamic and dominant, without needing EVERY SINGLE chip stacked in their favor. I don't know who Canelo could kick out. Maybe Ricardo Lopez? It would just feel weird, because resume aside, Finito was a MUCH MUCH better fighter than Canelo.
I think it’s because he fights with the deck so seemingly stacked in his favor and on top of that his hardcore fan base overrates him. YouTube and Facebook are breeding grounds for those types of groupies. The PEDs don’t help his case either. He’s a very good fighter. But not the all time great he’s been made out to be.
Despite all the obvious favouritism, Canelo if anything has actually grown on me a bit. I think he's a really good fighter and his improvement is obvious. The elephant in the room is the aforementioned favouritism. I think a lot of people would probably hold him in higher regard if some of the bouts he lost were actually recorded as losses and fights weren't so clearly stacked in his favour from the offset. Is he a great? Yeah I'd say so, but lower tier.
The hate here has been obvious and I've mentioned it before. I'll go through some of the reasons given. Everything stacked in his favor- We'll he's the face of boxing, what do you expect? All the money makers in boxing's history have enjoyed the same. Besides, that narrative has been over since he's been at 168, being the smaller man in every fight since. Drug use- Clenbuterol is used in some countries to bulk up their livestock, Trenbolone is used in others, like in the USA. Both substances have caused positive tests in athletes. If after reading this, you want to hate for that reason, you a moron or hater, probably both. Do your own research. His fans are annoying- Perhaps, but certainly not as bad as other fighter's fans in the past. Arguing with Darius M. fans how they just knew he'd beat Roy, the Tito fans of past. These examples were much worse. Oh and Pacquiao fans, I've noticed some have left here. In closing is like to say, whether you are a fan or not, his resume is better than anyone else's, hell I'm not sure who would even be #2. He cleaned out a division in 11 months, 4 fights in a year, while your favorite fighter fights once a year. He takes risks, he has no business at 175, while your favorite fighter is trying to either fight scrubs to protect their "0" or want a payday against guess who? From all accounts he's approachable, unless you're interrupting his press conference, don't beat his women, etc. Maybe instead of hating on a fighter that fights frequently, take some risks, and isn't embarrassing our sport, maybe ask why you're current fighter isn't doing the same?
It would take nearly 15lbs of lean beef to pass WADA's hair follicle test threshold; hence why there aren't legions of other steak eating Mexican athletes pissing hot. The last time Mexican athletes were suffering from this on a large scale was nearly five years before Canelo popped. And Canelo in 2017/2018 didn't even live in Mexico, he lived in California. So please explain to me the logistics of Canelo somehow managing to eat 15lbs of lean, Mexican beef, in California, while training for GGG rematch, in the mere 39 hours it lasts in your system before an unannounced test, then doing it again in the three days between the failed tests. He cheated.
I can respect this post. A lot of people bring up the fact that he always seems to get the benefit of the doubt in a close fight. I cant argue with that. And yes he does get overrated by some of his fans. The only thing I disagree with you on is that i do believe hes great. Not Roy Jones or Ali Great but a lower tier great like a Marquez as some other poster mentioned.
Neil's gonna have a seizure after he sees Alvarez mentioned in the same breath as Marquez. I dunno which guys I'd group Canelo in with. I can't even say Oscar and Mosley, because mid-to-late 90s Oscar and late 90s Mosley were both better fighters than Nelo in a P4P sense. Trinidad DEFINITELY had a better prime.
Most fighters, hell most athletes are on steriods but havent been caught. Remember Canelo is very active. He(fights 4 x a year) while guys like Andrade fight 1x every 24 months. So the likely hood of him getting caught is greater and yet year after year, fight after fight he has tested clean. You can say he cheated but that doesnt exactly discredit all his other accomplishments. all the times he conquered world titles when he didnt test positive for steroids. He got caught and was fined and penalized. Why bring it up every time? He did the crime and paid the fine lets move on. Other boxing greats have been involved in steroid scandals like Holyfield but you never see anyone in this forum call him a cheater and a fraud. Its not that I dont like people calling out cheaters but if youre gonna do...then do it across the board. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Dont be a hypocrite and pick n choose who you smut up just because you dont like a guy. Thats what I dont like. Here is a list of guys that are steroid cheats...... 2000 Both ROY JONES JR. and RICHARD HALL tested positive for the testosterone precursor androstenedione after Jones defeated Hall to retain his undisputed world light heavyweight championship in Indianapolis in 2000. Jones insisted his test was the result of ingesting the over-the-counter supplement Ripped Fuel. 1997 PERNELL WHITAKER received a six-month suspension after testing positive for a banned substance before his fight against Andrey Pestryaev. Whitaker called results of the pre-fight urine test “a joke.” The joke, however, was on Whitaker as the fight was changed to a NC. 2003 SHANE MOSLEY testified under oath to a grand jury investigating the Victor Conte BALCO scandal that he had taken undetectable steroids “the clear” and “the cream” and injected himself with EPO sold to him by Conte during training camp for his 2003 rematch with Oscar De La Hoya. Mosley won a controversial decision to win the world junior middleweight title. Like nick diaz said "all these motherfuckers are on steroids"
I think it is more that clenbuterol is a highly potent fat burner, allowing people to maintain and even gain muscle size while losing fat which wont happen off of it (except without other steroids ), therefore it isn't outside of the question that his use is likely deep. Not something you'd take on your first rodeo. I know I've seen it floated that people use it for stamina as it allows you to breathe easier etc, but no athlete is using it for that purpose.
You believe Canelo is on Froch's level. Ive heard Canelo compared to Ward, Roy or even Chavez. But that's degrading to Canelo comparing him to Froch. No one outside of this forum would compare Canelo to Frotch come on now .
Lopez might have been a better fighter than Canelo, but Canelo is already greater than him and by quite a bit
I dont know if Canelo's detractors aknowledge the fact that Canelo is a 4x division champion. Also undisputed. This not something we see every day. There are literally only a handful of undisputed champions in the modern era. A lot of the guys that are compared to Canelo are not even 3 division Champions. How many divisions was Lopez champion in? What if Canelo had not taken chances like take on Floyd at 20 years old. Or take on a champion at 175. We have a tendency to have knee jerk reactions when fighters lose. All great fighters take losess. Ali lost to a guy with 4 fights on his record. If im not mistaken. If a fighter loses all of a sudden he never good to begin with.