So I guess you're both. Yup, that's a lot of meat to fail a hair follicle test. Problem is, he PASSED the hair follicle test. Really your reply has already suffered immense damage, but I'll move on. Are you Canelo's wife? How do you know where he was living? You do realize that man can hop on a private jet any time he wants? USADA has this nifty little thing called a website, he's not the only one that has been popped with Clenbuterol recently. Funny thing though, I see quite a bit of "No fault or negligence name removed." The ever so muscle bound Erik Morales got popped in 2013, he wasn't even fighting. Should I go on with the beating you are receiving? I'll let you decide.
Which all the hair follicle test proves is that he had a little bit less than that. Whether or not it was a hair follicle test makes no difference whatsoever as hair follicle tests and urine tests find a very similar amount of DMs. Granted, hair follicles are slightly higher but even still, the difference between them absolutely does not account for that large a quantity of meat needed to have been eaten for the trace amounts. Not during training camps he doesn't. Use your brain. If you really think Canelo isn't on something, you're extremely naive. Erik Morales popping was literally five years before Canelo did. The exact amount of time I already specified. And the USADA website might be extremely nifty but I was going by WADA, not USADA. The amount of clenbuterol Canelo would have needed to take - regardless of test type - is in the Lbs; and he would've needed to do it again a few days later to fail the second. How do you account for this completely ridiculous excuse? It's obvious one of Canelo's designer drugs had a compound in it in too high a dose, or he messed up timing a cycle.
YOU said hair follicle, which he passed. That is a fact that you tried to pass of as truth to help your argument. Now that you've had to backtrack, you're nitpicking and assuming that NOW he only needs to eat what 15.7 lbs of meat? Listen to yourself. You're not the Clenbuterol meat inspector. Are you his manager? You have no idea where the hell he goes, maybe start tracking his flights like ole boy who tracks Elon. Is Trenbolone ok? It's used more in livestock for the same purpose, Olympians even women have been popped for that. Naive? No. If I had to place a bet on whether he has cheated, I'd bet he has, but am I going to be a hater and call him Clenelo or some other dumb shit that certain people think is cute, no. Why? Because I'm not naive enough to think he's the only one cheating, most fighters are. Oh and because I have self esteem as well. I'll probably bang some chick tonight that you would only dream of and ghost her afterwards.
Lol that was cold blooded. Hey just because he's 15 and still lives in his moms basement doesnt mean he cant get a hot chick or bird as they call them in England.
Canelo having problems making weight. Going up and down on weight classes takes a toll on the body. Not surprised.
Oh don't be a sour puss because I had to check you. Delusional, nope. I'm a handsome man and I've posted my picture on this site. Have you? You're probably thinking I'm on Clenbuterol too now.
Not gay, it's called being a player, if you're not the player, you're the one being played. Don't be the played Irish. This lesson is free, you're welcome.
I worked at a prison around 20 years ago, hell to the no. Neighbors, friends of friends, some hit me up on social media, at work, gotta be careful there. You on Grindr Neil?
Wasn't my idea, maybe another gay on here, it was years ago, and many took part. I wonder who would have the balls to do it now? With proof that is them. Bunch of ugly mugs I'm sure. Are you low key asking for a pic man?
Ahh Hang on.... Aren't you that faintly oriental looking guy with swept back hair who used to work for border control??
Wait what kind website is this? Did this guy just offered to send me a dick pic??? Lol Is this
Man, all the same old people on here as 20 years ago CA lost first fight, won second easy and based on weight and age should win this, possibly by KO. GGG is cashing out.
It was X's finest moment. It is said that when Canelos internet emissaries first heard it, they drew lots to see who would bear the bad news. Then, when the unfortunate yes-man told the Gynge the bad news, Canelo made him sweat down to 120lbs and beat him mercilessly.
Yeah like 20 years ago. You seem very interested in me, like it's flattering in all, but won't get you anywhere. If you're trying to remember my picture, post yours and I'll post mine again, I'm pretty sure you didn't participate last time. Why would that be? Broken camera?
The odds are really long for GGG - if he was looking passable, you'd think some side money would already be flowing through to narrow the odds. Ordinarily I'd throw some on because GGG can still punch, but maybe he's just completely shot?
I'd say betting on GGG is extremely unwise at this point in his career. Canelo lost, he didn't age overnight. He should batter Golovkin tomorrow night.