The Hagler-Leonard analogy can be flipped more easily the other way. Hagler was older, had been in too many wars, wasn't as sharp, etc. After the Bivol loss Canelo wanted a "safer" money fight. GGG has definitely lost a step or two but Canelo didn't look as sharp either. Maybe the hand injury was part of it but from the 9th round or so until the end Canelo seemed to lose a step in there and it allowed Golovkin to take a couple of rounds. I thought it was easily a 117-111 or 116-112 type fight if you were giving GGG the nod in those late rounds.
I said it. He's looked sloppy since Brook and has recently begun to bald and age. Total nothing fight to me, Canelo is still the chief inspector of Cherries at United Fruit and 3ven then he still gets a big stone in his Culo from time to time, a big Russian stone.
They were hyping up Canelo a lot but to their credit they did say GGG looked older and slower. The commentary was off in different ways. I'm not sure if it was narrative or just some thoughts they were having at the time and wanted to express but one of them would make a statement or ask a question like "does this remind you of" or "it appears that ..." Then the reply would be "absolutely/i agree" followed by a statement that didn't address the comment or even was contrary to it.
Ok fine but what about Marquez turning the clock around and knocking Pacquio out?? He was old and way past it. Yet fought bravely and got revenge. Fuck GGG if he got robbed in the Canelo fights then he should've knocked Canelo out and not left it in the hands of the judges.
What about it? Four completely different fighters. As far as just "going for a knockout and taking it out of the hands of the judges" it doesn't work that way. How many bad decisions have there been in boxing history and how many of the rematches have featured the guy on the wrong end of them going all out for a KO? As far as Pacquiao-Marquez 4, yeah JMM fought bravely but it was Manny who was the aggressor. He was winning the fight and walked directly into a punch and got KTFO. It seems like you're trying to make it sound like Marquez decided to just fuck the cards and go right after Pac, then knocked him out. That never happened.
In many of the interviews leading up to the fight he felt he had been robbed in fight 2 and 3. So he said he wasn't going to leave it in the hands of the judges and was going for the knockout. Even that punch that knocked Pacquio out was a punch he had worked on leading to the fight. He knew that Pac liked to feint before rushing in. That wasn't a lucky punch. Marquez had no intentions of leaving it in the hands of the judges. Thats called having cojones. The age is just an excuse to discredit Canelo. Balls is something we never saw from GGG. Lets call it what it is. Even in his "prime" he was scared to death of Andre Ward. Even when Ward called him out he shamelessly ducked him the way Charlo ducks Benevides now. His nick name should be triple P for pussy.
I never said it was a "lucky punch". It was well executed and timed sure, but it's not something you can count on happening. It's not forcing. Marquez is a natural counter-puncher. He would have been looking for something similar, you know in the first 36 rounds. So he was content to be robbed three times, but the fourth time around he said to himself and the world "no more holding back, this time i'm going to punch him really hard!!" How many times has that "leave it out of the judges hands" line been uttered? The fighter's comments are irrelevant. Just watch the fights. Canelo said he was looking to knock GGG out before last night. Somehow he never got the knockout even though GGG was older, slower and right in front of him the entire night. Did it look to you or anybody else like he was really pressing for that knockout? If so, why didn't he get it and leave it in the hands of the judges who somehow found a way to give Golov 5 rounds?
Both Canelo and GGG stunk out, more so GGG. GGG fought like he didn’t give af at all, just cashed out But Canelo also looked like crap as well. Just a major disappointing finale overall.
To me it did look like Canelo was looking for a knock out on the first half of the fight. He was landing at will trying to break him down i think. But the second half he slowed down. And lets be honest what fighter has knocked out GGG? Some fighters have granite chins and GGG might be one of them. Not every fighter has a fragile china chin like Roy Jones Jr...youre not going to knockout every fighter specially at the highest level. On the flipside you could also say if GGG was such a monster puncher why couldnt he ko Canelo??
I’ve always felt Golovkin’s power was a bit overrated. Obviously, he can punch. But against the top guys, it wasn’t always there.
Canelo's drawing power is declining. I suspected as much even before Saturday. I'm betting he fights Charlo next. Charlo is the only mainstream name from 160-168, and he's an inferior fighter to Benavidez. I say quite confidently that at this point, Benavidez kicks Canelo's ass.
I would expect GGG vs Canelo 3 to have poor numbers. Frankly it's a fight the fans never asked for. Lets call it what it is a glorified sparring match/ tune up after shitting the bed in the Bivol fight . Canelo's drawing power is fine. Just to put things in prespective Tank's last fight vs Romero a so called boxing "superstar" per Ellie Seckback only did 275k ppvs . And Spence Jr. vs Ugas only did 240k ppv buys. So by comparison 500k ppv buys is not too shabby for fighting an old man.
Canelo has peaked. He’s on the decline as well. His hands look slower, and he appears to be losing some of the snap on his punches. His face is also marking up easier than ever. I can understand why he wants no parts of Benavides.
By Canelo's standards his drawing power is dropping. He remains the biggest PPV attraction in the sport. So much for a Bivol rematch. That ain't gonna happen.
Agreed. I think he's peaked. That's not to be blown outta proportion and say he's washed, but we're gonna start seeing a past prime Canelo. AND he's gonna be out for a year following wrist surgery.
I agree Canelo looked like shit. But in his defense all this going up and down in weight classes and being so active can take a toll on the body. Kind of like when Roy moved down from hw to fight Tarver. Or it could be that Canelo has lost a step or two. I don't think it's as much as Canelo not wanting to fight Benevidez it's more like what is the motivation to fight him. Let's be honest the biggest win of Benevidez's career is what beating and old Dirrell? What does David bring to the table other than being a two time former champion. And if he beats Benevidez his critics will say he was no good and the real challange was Charlo or Some other loser that's done nothing in their boxing career.
Problem for Canelo is, his effectiveness is HIGHLY dependent on the snap of his punches. He's not naturally heavy handed like a Jackson or Foreman. Now that his snap is declining, he's gonna have problems, because he's not a high workrate fighter, and he doesn't have the boxing ability of a Hopkins or Toney to fall back on.
I don't see anything special about Benavidez whatsoever. I think Canelo wins that one, but his "I won't fight another Mexican" bullshit is pathetic. I prefer that fight to the Charlo fight, definitely, but I don't find any prospective Canelo match-ups particularly interesting.