It could end that way, but i'm not so sure. Not that Tim was super hard to find but it's going to likely take more than one to end it all. Bradley was a tough customer and certainly could provide a lot of problems for Kostya. If Tszyu can avoid serious cuts or swelling i give him the edge but that's a big if.
I'm kind of the middle of both opinions. I think 99-00 Tszyu would break Bradley down. But its not as simple as just ending him with one punch.
Yeah, it's hard to call. While Tszyu may be ahead in a historical sense or a peak level it's irrelevant in a head to head matchup.
I think it was more about handling the incoming arsenal and maintaining pressure, something Bradley can do. It doesn't mean he automatically wins but it might be achievable.
Easy to find evidence to support both sides. Tszyu had perhaps his best performance against a steady pressure guy (Gonzalez) but was overwhelmed by two more dynamic guys. I'd pick Tszyu based on cleaner punching, but not with much certainty
Hard fight for both, Tszyu had the power to drop Bradley but Bradley was such a tough fighter that I don’t think he’d be able to stop him. Bradley could also be a tough pitbull and could rough up Tszyu but he didn’t have the firepower to put him away like Vince Phillips. 50/50 fight.
Bradley was within inches of getting stopped by both Provodnikov and Kendall Holt. I think his chin gets way overrated. The Provo fight alone should disqualify him from beating Tszyu.