From the short clip I saw it seems like he wasn't aware it was being filmed. I hope he gets the help he needs, sounds like he's in a bad place.
Reminds me of when a video of Ricky Hatton snorting a long line got leaked, that was sad to see. I wonder how long it’ll be until we see Brooks back in the ring again.
I've heard some of these dastardly dealers are spiking the coke to have various scents such as vanilla, lavender and apple blossom. It's no wonder people are getting hooked.
Nobody gets addicted who has a good enough reason not to, thats always been my take. The stuff always get drunk/snorted/popped into some void. Hopefully Kell finds something better to fill it than this shit
i basically agree but i would rephrase it - it's not a lack of a reason not to, as you put it. rather, it is the presence of reasons to do so. lots of people with tons to lose get addicted to drugs.
Breaking: Golden Boy Promotions offers Brook a 6-fight deal. "I like what I see in the guy," said Golden Boy CEO Oscar De La Hoya. "He reminds me a lot of myself."
I never got the coke thing tbh. Nearly everyone I know who did it was an absolute bellend on the stuff. The couple of times I tried it, the first time my upper lip swelled up massively where I looked like a duck, obviously was allergic to something in it. The second time was in Amsterdam and it did absolutely nothing, no high or anything. Turns out there was a whole situation going on at the time where dealers were (unknowingly) giving people white heroin by mistake and people were dying as a result of snorting the stuff. I just counted my blessings and took it as a sign it wasn't for me. I'm not going to talk shit on Brook for doing a drug loads of people do, but he's quite clearly just diving into it because he's bored and has lived a life of extreme discipline up until the last couple of years.
Since covid, the years all get mashed up for me. Just realised Khan-Brook was last year. So yeah, it hadn't even been a year, Kell is clearly just going all out now his boxing career ended. It's sad but unfortunately fairly common for athletes from any sport once they retire, hopefully he realises it's bullshit and knocks it on the head. It's probably worse for boxers to be honest as a footballer for example can still have a kick around and keep the competitive juices flowing at a semi pro or a high am level, for a world class boxer there isn't the same outlet. Once you're out, you're out.
I'll take coke if it's going free but its usually not worth more than that. The whole process of taking it becomes such a focus sucker at parties.... and the type of people who can get really good coke usually arent people youd ever wanna take it with. Just not a fun scene
I was a regular weed smoker up until my late 20s, but I honest to God have never tried coke. I had a number of friends strung out on coke, pills, heroine, ect., but I never strayed further than weed and liquor. Always been kind of a square in that way. Now I don't even drink or weed smoke.
Same, I used to smoke weed every day. Hardly touch it these days, I'll have the odd toke if it's going round at a party or something but that's as far as it goes now. It got to the stage where I started getting para every time I had a J, wasn't enjoyable any more so just packed it in. Like you I didn't go much further than weed, or shrooms if in Amsterdam. Coke is shite, totally overhyped. I'm pretty square as well to be honest in that is probably the furthest I'd ever have gone back in the day, stuff like heroin is legit terrifying.
Coke is nothing, I know it will sound absurd since we are brainwashed by society but alcohol is a way more potent drug. In fact, alcohol is one of the most potent drug period (not only my take but what researchers found).
I just find addiction terrifying rather than any particular drug & i think that healthy terror is enough to avoid it. Ive tried everything once or twice but only in a 'want a free hit of this?' context. Wake up in your own bed Sunday, the mundanity of work monday. Just a daytrip to somewhere grimy that you'd never move to.
No question. Alcohol is a very dangerous psychotropic drug that if we'd only discovered today would be banned, forthwith.
Heroin is terrifying because of the paraphernalia and process .... The needle and the tourniquet. Looking for a vein etc
There was a documentary ages ago on Sky called Ben: Diary of a heroin addict. This guy is an addict and he has a camcorder and you see the decline to death right there in front of you, the effect it has on his family, the regret when he can't find a viable vein any more and he knows he's going to die. Personally I think it should be mandatory to show to secondary school children, because I genuinely believe no one would ever touch the shit after watching it.