Not IN Your Feelings Yet ON This Thread Bitching About the Fight???.... What was YOUR IQ Score Again, Oh Fair Skinned One???...How Many Subs Does YOUR Youtube Channel Have???....Do You Ever Post ORIGINAL Content Or Merely the Pre-Recorded Material of Others???... REED
My YouTube channel has close to 3k subs last time I checked, but admittedly it's not original content, so it doesn't matter. Already told you that I don't watch boxing podcasts, so I'd have no interest in starting one. And yeah, sure, I commented the thread calling it a farce. It is. Doesn't mean it's of importance to me. As you were, Preach from Don't Be a Menace.
I think you need to reevaluate who's in whose feelings, when you felt the need to name drop me today on a thread that's been dead for 2 months. I treat you like you don't exist, but glad to see you still have thoughts on me regarding that old thread. Did you feel the need to lash out because D-Man called you hyper-defensive?
All kidding aside. I didnt know you had a YT channel. Congrats on your 3k subscribe. I'd be happy to check it out and subscribe. Best of luck. Having said that Reed is my boy and love his channel. Have no dog in this race. Carry on gentleman
I don't care about my sub total. My channel isn't for monetizing. Simply to watch fights I like. I could be at 14 subs right now and I'd be just as happy.
Obviously this isn't some big BOXING fight but it's very intriguing nevertheless.... Jake Paul is a kid who is SUPER rich and famous already. He didn't need to start boxing but he did and it's interesting to see somebody with his money/spare time/athletic ability try their hand at boxing. It kinda shows if you have money/time/athletisism how long it would take to get good at boxing.... Fury is just a nobody with a last name... Jake can easily beat this bum.... ALSO I don't understand why everybody brings up Disney and YouTube when mentioning jake? Who cares what he did before? Now he's doing boxing... That's like saying and there is MIKE TYSON.... the hide and seek champion from back in the day..... people have interests and things they do before they do OTHER THINGS ?? Who gives a fuck what he did before.. now he's doing boxing and is super intriguing how far he can take it
Did REED ADDRESS YOU DIRECTLY???... You're Being Like Feebles Now...Just Because REED Mentions Your Name DOESN'T Mean Shit Bruh....REED Didn't Say Anything Flattering OR Unflattering About Your Ass, So Please DON'T Make it Seem Like He SOUGHT You or Anything.... If REED Wanted Your Attention, He'd Address You DIRECTLY, Make No Mistake....Or He'd Go to the Nearest Store and Get a Pint of Vanilla Ice Cream for a Close Resemblance to Your LAME Ass.... As You WERE X...Ain't Shit Changed.... REED
This guy cannot appear for more than one day without getting into it. I post daily and get into it with a grand total of 0 posters. I have disagreements daily, but zero beefs. You've been beefing with 77 people on Fightbeat for 20 years, but apparently I'm sensitive....
To be fair it's Jake Paul often talks about his time as a Disney Channel star before fights to show that he's more than just a child actor - he's now a serious athlete. It also helps him connect with a bigger audience who may not know about his boxing career. His Disney past creates a cool contrast with his current persona as a fighter. He can show that he's moved on from his kid star image and is now making his mark in the boxing world. This is a great story for fans who love seeing people chase their dreams, especially if they liked his Disney stuff. Some people might think it's a marketing trick, but it's a smart move by Jake Paul to use his past fame to get more people interested in boxing. I mean, the guy knows what he's doing.
REED's Posted Several Times in the Last Couple Weeks WITHOUT Getting Into it w/Anyone... But as Fightbeat's Resident QUEEN BEE of KneeJerk Overreaction, it's Not Like You'll Acknowledge It... REED
I have a feeling that Tommy Fury has no chin and is going to get taken out and whilst Jake Paul is shite, he can punch. If Fury can take a shot though, I see him outworking Paul to a decision win.
This is Tommy's cash out fight. I don't believe the winner takes all bet is legit. He's no one without his last name. Jake Paul has beaten way better competition. That's embarassing in it's own right. Good night Tommy.
Going FIGHTBEAT LIVE Before the Main Event, Bitches....May Even Go LIVE for the Badou Jack Co-Main, We'll See... REED
I find it interesting that Haney just commented he recognizes that Paul's boxing abilities in the ring cannot be solely attributed to his fame and fortune. As a boxer himself, Haney knows what it takes to make it in the sport and his opinion at least for me carries more weight than some wannabe YT. Regardless of what people may think of Jake Paul, it's clear that he's taken his training seriously and has put in the effort to become a better fighter. It's time to give him the credit he deserves. Stop the hate. I wonder if Jake Paul was Shakur Paul he would have such a problem with him?? # Things that make you go hmmmm???
KSI is a Black Youtube Boxer That NO ONE Takes Seriously Either, if that's the Angle You were ATTEMPTING... REED