Danny has never been stopped, or been off his feet. For all his limitations, he has a very solid jaw. Would he last distance with the following guys, all in their primes? Leonard Oscar Mosley Napoles Curry Quartey
Quartey might not KO him but he would beat the brakes off him for sure. All horrible match ups for him, that’s for sure.
Leonard probably gets the KO and thats it. At 140 he’s a coin flip with the rest. Probably loses at 147 to most, but doesn’t get stopped and wins rounds against all. Danny’s body punching took a big hit on the move to ‘47.
Are you saying he could possibly beat Mosley, ODH, etc. at 140? Or are you saying he may or may not last the distance against those guys?
Hard to know to be honest. Dany boy had a very good chin. Only time he was hurt was against judah iirc. And he's also rather prudent in his approach, so there wouldnt be tons of opportunities
Napoles would would perform facial reconstruction surgery on him, using boxing gloves. Leonard would stop him.
Yes I am saying he could possibly beat them (as an underdog no doubt). I’m not as familiar with DLH / Mosely at 140- but Danny was certainly formidable at that weight. I think some may be forgetting just how much Danny ‘lost’ on the move to 147. He had formerly stopped offense plans in their tracks with swift hooks- body and head. His first couple fights at 147 clearly showed he could no longer rely on that- a tough change at that point in his career.
He did. Round 1 with a right hand he shook him up pretty good. To answer my own question, I think all the guys on this list would get Danny out there, but Leonard is obviously the most certain bet to do it. Pretty much Ray is 100% to stop Danny. Mosley would have a right hand field day on Danny. Oscar and Ike would destroy Danny's face with their jabs. Napoles and Curry would pick him apart with their accuracy.
He definitely did and it won the fight for thurman....after that garcia was spooked and went into a shell
No way does he beat any of those guys. He was stronger at 140 and had better pop. But he was never impressive enough to pick over those guys. I mean anything is possible but realistically, I do not see him as a guy in the category of fighters you would give a chance to of beating a guy like odh or mosley.
I just missed D-man's post. Danny with a chance against prime Oscar and Shane???? LMAO! Fucking HOWWW??????? He's literally inferior to Oscar and Shane at every meaningful facet of boxing. There's an astronomical gap in ability between DLH/Mosley and Danny. He'd have a puncher's chance if they had weak jaws, but both DLH and Mosley had excellent chins, so the puncher's chance is out the window.
Danny has a very very remote chance against the 140 Cotto. And I do mean VERY remote. That's the best I can say for him. There's a 95% chance Cotto beats the Hell outta him.