Lol! They do not have the bite force of a Lion, Doub. Unless you were exaggerating. In a Lion, we're talking an animal that has the bite force to snap a buffalo's neck. No domestic dog can do that. If Tszyu got bitten by a Lion, there would be no more arm.
An “America Staffordshire Terrier” aka Shitbull; as likely to gore your own children as it is the old lady down the street who accidentally glances at the little demon while walking by.
I'm exaggerating. But as you mentioned, Kangal and also Cane Corso do indeed have a bite force approaching that of a lion.
Floyd would have been bitten, told everyone he hadn't been bitten, that the dog never got close, and then spent a lot of money and time trying to get the dog put down.
Kangal's bite would do more damage than a Corso's because Kangal's and similar large herding breeds (like the Central Asian Shepherd) have teeth that are closer to that of wolves.
Yeah, I wouldn't trust an AmStaff or a Pittbull around my young kid. Unpredictable little bastards. Been thinking about getting a Rottweiler. Rotts are much more predictable and better family dogs, if treated correctly.
Yeah bite force doesn't tell the whole story. For example, a Cane Corso has significantly higher bite force than a wolf but is certainly not more dangerous.
Always lot's of drama and needless media attention around Tzsyu and it's getting annoying imo. At least he seems intent on proving himself so it makes it bearable.
I wonder if the attack was unprovoked or if Tszyu and his mates were drunk and flicking bottle caps at the sleeping dog
Ze Germans. Dogs are funny. People don't realise how a dog can be a liability in so many different ways. People think about character in terms of "will he bite a child", not in terms of "will he cause a stampede and have cyclists trampled to death" One day trekking up Richmond Park we had our Welsh Terrier off the lead and this herd of deer just sort of wandered into our path. Proper big horned ones too. The little bitch tore off after them. I had a Fenton moment on my hands. No chance of either stopping her or catching her. Not a fucking hope. The woman I was with was blowing this stupid fucking "recall" whistle.... She only gave up when she was winded. I was having visions of utter carnage as I got up to the top of the hill but it was all clear. Right near Sawyer's Hill at the Richmond gate. Usually very busy.. Another time she got under a fence and flung herself into a swollen Beverly Brook to have a go at catching a moorhen. She made it out on the far side and was stood on the bank trying to figure out how to get back. When she was focused on the bird she had no sense of the danger and just worked off instinct. When she was forced to think, she saw how nasty it looked and wouldn't risk it. When I went in I nearly broke my leg because the bottom is all huge boulders and bricks that were discarded from the bridge they built over the brook . Before that I had to go all the way into the Thames at The Ship pub to get her out. She was being swept off to Putney by the flow trying to get a fucking football she'd seen. She couldn't grab it she was just hitting it like a boxer hits a speedball and being swept out further and further.. I had to throw my keys and phone on the bank and go in. It's called a "quarry drive" and it's basically a tunnel vision they have for certain things. They just zone in and go for it, blocking everything out, totally oblivious to their own safety or anyone else's..
Impressive statement from Tzyus, I thought this would be competitive but he just steamrolled him. Not sure if it's a case of just catching an opponent cold but Tim is proving more and more he s more than just an overhyped son of a famous fighter.
Ocampo was out at 9-1 odds to win, which was suspiciously long, so maybe he looked like shit in sparring. At any rate Tszyu could barely miss with that right hand.
Spence wasted ocampo years ago Good win but tszyu did what he was supposed to Let's see him vs madrimov