Only 5 days away from this one. Final picks? I'm gonna say Inoue in 9. Fulton has his moments early, but starts getting broken down in the mid-rounds, then knocked out late.
I saw someone on Twitter suggest inoue may be cycling monstroids, hence why the fight was initially delayed
Inoue by late round stoppage, somewhere around 8 rounds. Fulton makes a good effort but gets outgunned.
Fulton is tough and can box. He has Elite stamina. But inoue is such a great counter puncher he should be able to catch Fulton when they're trading. At that point we'll see how good the Philadelphia beard is I like inoue by stoppage at some point. Hard to predict when because I don't see it being a situation where he breaks Fulton down, as much as fulton starts to trade and gets caught, then finished. Could be early or late, inoue's athleticism and timing are top notch so he could catch this kid when they are punching simultaneously at any time
I'm a fan of Fulton, but simultaneously I do think he's overrated because some ppl are treating this matchup like a 50-50, when it's not. Fulton winning would be a significant upset. It'd be the biggest upset to occur in Japan since Tyson-Douglas.
I like watching that fight. Todaka smiles as if to say Gamez isn't hurting him, then a couple moments later he's unconscious. Despite the odds, I would still consider this a bigger upset. Todaka was never considered a P4Pder, much less arguably the P4P #1 like Inoue.
I think people rated it 50-50 based on Fulton being considered a good fighter in his own right and Inoue moving up in weight. It’s not his first time moving up either. People saw this finally catch up to Lomachenko, same thing will happen to Inoue if he keeps climbing.
Fulton’s team already threatening to pull out because of the wraps. These guys are already showing fear.
double L is suspicious of Inoue because of a time when a Japanese conglomerate got the better of him in a business deal.
Just went to Dontae's Boxing site for shits and giggles and he believes the biased old media and race fans are fearful of this fight happening. He thinks they prefer Inoue to stay at 118 and fight "weaker no name opponents". Now, with an Afro American about to face Inoue, he sees it as and I quote "their worst nightmare coming true." I have two questions. Who hurt this guy? And how do you reach that level of paranoia?
This guy is something different. About the exact same size as Wilfredo Gomez. And where, his culture doesn’t promote superstardom or sell the brand. I don’t see this guy getting beaten anytime soon
I'm pretty sure Japanese culture does promote its superstar athletes, boxing just isn't the premier sport in Japan, baseball is. And considering that the best baseball player on Earth is Japanese, I don't think Inoue is gonna garner the lion's share of Japan's sporting attention.
Fuckin sucks that its on a weekday. I have an hour long meeting to hop on at 9am ET. So, hopefully Inoue finishes him before then.
What percentage of meeting have you attended do you consider to be productive and what is the percentage that could have been an email?
I know right. Meetings are for douchebags to feel important. I'd be like just send me the memo asshole