As for Ib 4 Ib's post, I think Inoue would beat the ever living fuck outta Loma if they were same natural size. Even the myth that is "prime" Loma. Inoue is just better. Less flashy, but more substance to him. I think Inoue's a better talent in general. Loma is the most overrated talent in history.
I watched the fight on my phone while driving to work (never do that; you can have an accident). When Inoue knocked down Fulton I was yelling 'YES!!!' like a madman. That made may day. I had no doubt Naoya will KO Fulton, but what really surprised me was how EASY he dominated his opponent. He made the world class unified champion look AVERAGE! I have no doubt Inoue will wipe out the featherweight division next. This guy is simply a BEAST. Finally most boxing pundits are now viewing him as what he has always been: P4P#1.
I expected Inoue to dominate but wasn't sure he'd be able to ko a naturally bigger guy like Fulton, especially if he fought defensively. Fulton was highly overrated by a segment of the media/fans but it was obvious he wasn't on the level of a generational talent like Inoue, size advantage or not.
Unfortunately, it seems there is no one around those weights who'll be able to touch him. I doubt Inoue will be willing to move up to fw soon as he already hiked through a few weight classes in the last years. Seems his status as an ATG will be hindered by not having a fellow great as a dancing partner. Donaire 1 might be the closest thing to a super fight we'll get from him.
Thats my beef with calling Inoue p4p#1. Great talent for sure, but he doesnt really have a win over a big name (shot donaire doesnt count). Is he a deluxe can opener, or could he do his thing against elite, p4p level, opposition? Can't blame him for it though, since he never avoided anyone afaik.
I think Donaire was quite close to his peak for the 1st fight, but true he was most probably a step or two below it. Inoue not facing Chocolatito or Estrada is disappointing though, does someone knows why these fights never happened??
I know there were some talk about it happening before Ringvisai upset wins, but even afterward, they were less than 3 lbs apart for so long and surprised it wasn't really pushed
Just looked it up and Chocolatito wasn't willing to move up to 118 (too many fucking divisions in the sport, 3 lbs apart, simply ridiculous). Cannot blame Inoue for this one it seems
True his physical tools at diminished considerably but he seemed more composed and tactical than during his younger days
Didn’t comment on this one but damn!!! What a great win against an undefeated bigger and very competent opponent. The way Inoue set up the ko with his regular body jabbing was a testament to his great skills and intelligence. I’m still impressed!
To think I was certain Montiel was destined for greatness when he was up and coming. How wrong can we be?
Oh the racist insults from the board's certified imbecile continues. Mean mister mustard at least was (somewhat) funny. I wonder why he got the boot but not him ...
Neil is still not banned cause X and the other mods (is there any other ?) are piece of shits, unfortunately
Faggot what in the living fuck is your problem? I haven't had an issue with you or said a single negative word about you in forever. Like years. WTF was that completely random attack for? Fightbeat isn't even a top 10 life priority for me you fuckin weirdo. I'm too busy with professional and family life to police a forum filled with grown men who have E-known eachother for close to 25 years now. I just come here to have a good time.
Neil isn't banned because Neil hasn't done enough to warrant being banned. You've been here enough decades to know that Fightbeat isn't for the weak or sensitive. The ONLY one to be banned in recent years was Mustard, who actively tried to get banned by spamming the forum. If you want a safe space where guys get banned for any innocuous jabs at eachother, then go follow boxing on Facebook.
You're a piece of shit cause you let the other piece of shit spew his racial slurs, even though I reported him to you numerous times. And at him not doing enough for being banned. Using racial slurs is directly against the rules of the forum (and let's be serious, how long would it take before you (deservedly) ban a poster that dropped the N-bomb continuously, or referred to black as monkeys?) At this point, I don't really care, and i don't have anything directly against you per se, but your inaction clearly shows that youre a POS
What fucking reports??? Again, let me be crystal clear... this place is NOT a priority to me, not in terms of policing anyway. Often times I don't even read through all the posts. And I'm not aware of any report pings. If you have/had an issue with Neil, you need to INBOX me - that I will see, and respond to. You never have inboxed me. I'm a piece of shit? OK, not to toot my own horn, but I'm about to toot my own horn - without this piece of shit you probably wouldn't be talking boxing on here. Have you forgotten that General was all but dead, and devoid of any boxing discussion, and I brought it back to life? What's your fucking contribution been here? Neil can say whatever the fuck he wants about you now, I don't give a shit. Punk or Anthony can step in if they see fit, but I sure as shit won't. So, @Neil, feel free to say whatever to him. I wash my hands of this mod bullshit. I don't even wanna fuckin mod anymore. I'm purely here to have fun and to forget about the real world.