34 years ago, as of today. So does anyone believe that Mike on that night might very well have whupped any heavyweight in history? I used to be super pro-Ali, and previously said no, Mike never beats him. However, in recent years I've changed my tune. Yes, I think the Mike of June 27, 1988 might have quite possibly been the best heavyweight who ever lived... for that one night.
That's silly to think that someone's best performance is their absolute extremely short lived peak. It's more how the opponent handled the fighter or didn't handle him more so than the fighter himself. A fighter's peak is probably 5 years....
Peak is different from prime. For example, Floyd's prime spanned many years, but I would say he really PEAKED around 04-06. Jones' prime lasted from 94-03, but I would say he was his very peak circa 96-98.
Okay so do you see Tyson doing anything different on that Spinks night than he was doing 2 years before or 2 years after?
I think he was at his skill peak in 88. Two years later he lost to Douglas. Two years prior he was roughly the same guy, but essentially 87-88 were his two best years.
Vintage prime Mike Tyson at his most ferocious. Spinks definitely looked intimidated but at least he took his paycheck and retired from the sport right away with dignity. Tyson was just too good for anyone at that time.
Because he didn't give a shit about Buster. Never fully regained his 88 form again, although in 91 he was still very good.
Michael Spinks recalls the Tyson fight and other stuff here. He seems to be doing OK, which is nice to hear
He beat a blown up light heavyweight. Spinks barely beat an ancient Holmes and an overrated Cooney. Ali would have beat Tyson easily imo
i met spinks at the wbc convention in vegas in 2012 i believe. around that time and he was very shaky like he had onset of parkinsons
That's a pity to hear. I believe this clip is from mid or late 90s and he seemed fine even though he had been out of boxingfor a decade. The symptoms must have kicked in later
Spinks Beat the Shit Out of Cooney Bruh... Deserved the Knod in the 1st Holmes Fight Also, Though REED Wouldn't Have Been Upset Had They Given it to Larry, to Break Marciano's Record... REED
I do know that Spinks, for that one minute, was the best paid man on Earth, taking a cool $15m for 60 seconds work, the equivalent of $800m an hour. And they say there's no good jobs out there....
I meant he barely beat Holmes,..and splattered Cooney, who is one of the most overrated heavyweights ever. Had a huge left hook,…but very little else
"Prime vs Peak? Huh what? Prime Tyson may have had the potential but didn't deliver. When people resort to the "prime excuse" it often feels like a copout. Take Tyson's loss to Lewis. Was Lewis truly in his prime then? Doubtful... and Tyson's loss to Douglas in Tokyo. Was Douglas at his prime? Because the Douglas I remember easily got his ass best by Evander, who later easily smoked Tyson 2 times. So was Tyson out of his prime that night, unprepared, missing Cus, distracted or swamped by a million other excuses? It seems fans lean on the 'not in prime' excuse when their favorite fighters falter. It can be a convenient way out.