Fury is being beaten to the punch, repeatedly. He's not the stronger fighter in there, either. He's in trouble here. MTF
Damn credit to Ngannou then, he's much better than I expected. Still, it basically proves that this hw era is pure garbage
I agree that's why it's stupid for anyone to say Fury is avoiding so and so as they are more garbage than him.
Furry still looks like hot garbage. Hard to argue with the conclusion that this is some indictment on the current crop of boxing heavyweights. MTF
Fury is being repeatedly beaten to the punch. He's at a handspeed disadvantage for the first time in a long while and he's had no real answer to it so far. MTF
This is what happens when you entrust things to people know the price of everything and the value of fuck all.
I think we can all stop the ''Wilder is a once in a generation'' puncher. This era is simply putrid, basically the main factor is who's bigger and stronger, not skills or talent.