On the TNT broadcast on the UK, we've now got some cagefighter being brave and arguing the toss with Lennox Lewis about who was hurt, when and what punches are best when. That's what this fight has done to boxing. MTF
This is why I hate these crossover bouts. I have nothing against MMA or anything, in fact I've become more of a fan over the past few years. But it puts the entire reputation of the sport we love on the line each time, and all it can take is for some fat cunt like Fury to put in a "shift" like that and set it all right back, out of pure greed. Credit to Ngannou, of course, he was brilliant and deserves all the accolades he will undoubtedly receive, but words can't express how fucked off I am with Fury.
Precisely. Like I said, 100 years of evolution and dedication undone in a single evening in SAUDI ARABIA by a bastard tinker who couldn't take care of the one decent thing he'd had the good fortune to inherit . Real knucklemen now being obliged to argue with steroided wrestlers who sit on people's faces for a living. It's like Dave Chapelle being forced to argue the toss with Bobo the Clown.
The closest example to this fight I could think of where a long-reigning champion looked like shite against an absolute novice was shot Muhammad Ali vs. an 8-pro fight novice Leon Stinks. And yet said novice was an Olympic gold medalist. So if Tyson didn't get the close decision this would actually be worse
Usyk would mess Francis up. But now we have to actually make that fight just to shut up Tony the Tiger or Mickey the Masher.
Didn’t see the fight just highlights on YouTube….it’s disgraceful it went 10-12 rounds…. If I’m Usyk I’m looking into how much money I can make to fight Ngannou if it’s 70-80% of what I would make fighting Fury I would take that fight….TROLL the fuck out of Fury.
He's not. He's an awkward brawler that throws wild looping shots from all angles. Let's face it the gap between MMA stand up and boxing is not as huge as some people make it seem. Everyone was offended Fury was fighting this MMA "bum" and it turns out the boxing snobs overrated boxing. We saw glimpses of that in other crossover matches. Mac Gregor was able to go several rounds with the "greatest defensive fighter of this generation". Let's face it we tend to overrate boxing. It's our bias for the sport we love.
Francis Ngannou vs Daniel Dubois for the REAL Undisputed Heavyweight Championship of the World... REED
It seem Ngonnou gave a good account of himself…a return to the UFC is pretty much guaranteed… Jones vs Ngannou at UFC300 ….another 2+million ppv card..
Oh God what's more pathetic is the excuses from sour boxing fans. 1)Fury didn't take it seriously. Really? How does he look when he is in shape. I saw the same fat blob with bouncing titties I see in every other fight. 2)Ngannou was on peds...Vada testing isn't enough for some people I guess. 3)Usyk would destroy Ngannou...sad comment. equivalent to my dad could kick your dad's ass. Let's face it boys heavyweight boxing now days is trash. Let's accepted and stop making excuses. Give Ngannou his flowers.
Don't worry, Floyd will redeem honor in the sport when he ends up fighting Sammy Gravano's grandson in a few months.