Undoubtedly, this thread is not for the mature minds . List your favorite invented names/ nicknames you've seen for boxers over the years? Most I can recall are based on a fighter getting caught for PED : Cryan Gracia Clenelo Alvarez Roid Jones Cheato Margarito (definitely not my favorite but it got a ring to it) and my personal favorite James "lights out, drugs in" Toney I'm sure Boss and Xplosive have tons of others
Definitely Doesn't rhyme with his name, dosn't make any sense, yet you know right away who's this about
Keith "once upon a time" Thurman. Sugar Shane Noseley(his hotdog nose) some poster by the name of Mexfighter used to call him that. He was a big Delahoya fan.
Darius MichalSHITski... "Sloppy" Joe Mesi... Lummox Lewis - Pretty Sure X Created This One... Ike Ibeatahoochie... Shakur Sleepenson - Found in the Comments Section of REED's Most Recent Youtube Shakur Post... Ricky Fatton... Hector "Not So" Camacho, Jr... REED
I can't take credit for Lummox. I wanna say it was Muzse who came up with that nickname. Maybe Everlast... It wasn't me though. It only appears it was me because Everlast is long gone, and Muz only posts like once a year.
Thanks I have a lot more than those over the years. I started Cabitcho Junior the very same night as the Lejia fight. Not very creative or original, but it stuck and spread. I started Sugarless Shane, though I admit Splenda Shane was better. Acelino Fruitass is another nickname I coined.
I also came up with Fast Eddie Hearn. For those who might not know where I got it: Paul Newman's character in The Hustler is Fast Eddie Felson. And Hearn, too, is a hustler.
Muzse Anointed Freitas "Can You Hear Me Now", Once He Started Whipping Out His Cellphone Mid-Ring, Calling Peeps After Fights... REED
Gayweather and Pacturd were classics. Calslappy (Joe Calzaghe) Bitchcko Bros (Klitschko Bros) Canela or Clenelo (Canelo) SOB (Andre Ward) About Broke (Adrien Broner) Stank Davis (Tank Davis)
Jason SHITzau WHOlio? Gonzalez WBOgus Jameel Decline johnny louise -Intentionally Typed in All LOWER Case... Arturo "Lodi" Gatti REED Pissed Off MORE Than a Few in the SecondsOut Days, Labeling Micky Ward "Rudy"; an Homage to the Pathetic, TalentLESS Football Scrub Depicted in the Motion Picture.... REED
That was you I saw that at boxingfanatics.com as far back as Y2K. 2 ex wife's and 24 years laters I find the og that created that Nick name Rudy was you .