Hey I just caught wind of this epic back-and-forth between Clarissa Shields and Roley Romero. Shields, the undisputed queen in two weight classes now calling out Rolly. She's totally serious. So hypothetically speaking who would come out on top in a face-off between these two? Let's break it down Shields' Strengths: 1. Only female boxer that's undisputed in two weight classes. Not a fan of women's boxing but that's some serious gold around her waist. 2. Calling out Rolly and roasting him for getting knocked out by the likes of Tank Davis and for getting supposedly bested in sparring sessions against Garcia, Haney, and Stevenson. Clarissa shows No fear here. Shields' Weaknesses: 1. Moving up to face a male boxer is no small feat. Size and power could be a challenge. 2. Transitioning from verbal jabs on social media to actual punches in the ring – talk is cheap until the bell rings. Romero's Strengths: 1. Dude's got power. Sure, he had a rough go with Tank Davis but he packs a serious punch. 2. Experience in the ring against top-tier male fighters. This is where the difference will be. Romero's Weaknesses: 1. Shields isn't holding back exposing past sparring sessions. Has Roley learned from those defeats? He's there to be hit. 2. Handling Shields intensity outside the ring. Trash talk can fuel the fight but can it also backfire? Can Rolly maintain his cool and not get thrown off by Clarissa's antics/trash-talk? This matchup's got the potential for fireworks I promise you that if they fight Shields will show bigger balls than Shakur vs Santos no doubt. Who's your money on? Here is the link of Clarissa calling out Rolly. It's epic. https://youtube.com/shorts/0mZPZZMmsP4?si=6iNg7zu_PVFyd_Lt
I was just going to post something….that hoe is out her mind.. Rolly…Thurman should accept her “challenge” know her the fuk out… https://x.com/michaelbensonn/status/1734348079761936470?s=46
The Only REMOTELY Plausible, Half Assed Fathomable Hypothetical Involving a World Class WOMAN Fighter vs. a World Class MALE Counterpart is if There's a SIGNIFICANT Size Discrepancy btwn Them, In HER Favor...Like Light Heavyweight vs Strawweight /Flyweight Level Size Discrepancy... Despite Her PEDIGREE and Superior SKILLSET, Claressa Shields Gets the BRAKES Beaten Off Her by Rolly Romero...BADLY, REED Might Add...Rolly Would RAGDOLL Her About the Ring in Clinches and His JABS (In 8oz. Gloves, No Less) Alone Would Literally Be THE Hardest Punches Claressa's EVER Felt in Her Life... & REED Says This as a Staunch ADVOCATE for Women's Boxing....REED Thinks LESS Than Zero of Rolly as a Fighter, But if He WANTED To, He Could WHUP Claressa in a Manner that Insures She NEVER Fights Again... REED
Rolly, Because He's ALL About Brute Force, Strength, No-Holds Barred Aggression and IMPOSING Himself On Opponents...It's the ONLY Way He Knows How to Fight...Any World Class Man ACCENTUATING Physicality Over Skill Fucks Claressa Up ROYALLY & IMMEDIATELY... Obviously, Thurman Is/Was a MUCH Better Fighter Than Rolly, He'd Beat the Brakes Off Claressa as Well, But He'd Do So in (Much) More HUMANE Fashion...REED Doesn't Think Thurman Would WANT to Hurt Claressa the WAY Rolly Would Want to...That Would Be the Difference... Rolly Gets Her Out of There in 30 Seconds or So; Thurman MERCIFULLY Ends Her in Closer to a FULL 3 Minutes or Maybe INTO the 2nd Round...Depending On his MOOD That Particular Day... REED
So she got koed pretty hard against a bum in sparring, and she claims he tampered his gloves. Shess such a fucking loser
Yeah I don't know the exact details but it sounded like she was pretty heated. Claims she went to her car to get the shank and her coach diffused the altercation and kept her from stabbing this guy(sparring partner) smh. I always crack up at people that use the horse hair or no padding in the gloves excuse as the reason for getting knocked out. As if once the boxing gloves came off any fighter would turn into a Mike Tyson caliber puncher. Those of us who have been in our share of street fights (bare knuckle) know that's not the case. Some guys just have hard heads/good chins and can't get knocked out. She just can't accept men punch harder.
I can't lie, I'd have thought releasing sparring footage of knocking a woman down would be a bitch move, if said woman wasn't Clarissa shields
I have to admire how good a troll Shields is. Few are able to infuriate people as much as her with some trash talk
Shields was knocked down by a dude Romero knocked out in 2 rounds. The dude was supposedly letting up and being gentle with Shields until she started talking shit and being dirty so he proceeded to teach a lesson and she went into a narcissistic rage, ridiculously accusing him of unpadding his gloves. . I honestly hope she gets in the ring with Romero, he'd humble her for good.
I tried watching Shields and wasn't impressed. She has faster hands and twitchier muscle than most women fighters. But looks sloppy and unskilled
Not impressed at all by Shields. Never have been. Her skillset in a male fighter would be characterized as club level. Though Rolly is inept by world class MALE fighter standards, he's still more skilled than Claressa outright. That speaks to how epically huge the gender gap is.
Claressa would be okay with me if she just reserved her trash talk for other women. By all means, say you can beat any other chick's ass... totally cool with me. It's the fact that she claims she could beat down world class men that makes her such a dislikable bitch. It's dislikable because she knows GOOD and GODDAMN WELL no man would ever truly have the opportunity to go alllll out on her in a legitimate fight. She intentially sells wolf tickets with the full understanding that society would rip apart any man for giving her an ass whuppin. An ass whuppin she BADLY BADLY needs. But even past that... she just seems like a dislikeable cunt. Loud, obnoxious hood rat always runnin her mouth, never anything positive or insightful to say. What Claressa Shields reminds me of... is a hood rat who goes around talkin tough to men, swearing she can fight and beat men... but if she ever met the WRONG MF and he knocked her ass out... she'd call the cops.
what made her unlikeable to me was vouching for dirrells uncle assaulting uzcategui in the ring after the fight. she's just a scumbag. and the fact that she's boring as fuck to watch and cant punch for shit.
There's also just cultural reasons I dislike her. I don't GAF about admitting it. I dislike walking stereotypes. She's the stereotypical angry, disrespectful, masculine, abrasive, drama-loving Black girl. They make me MF sick. LOOOVVVEEEEE Black women in general, but hate that mold.
She had it coming. Can't stand Shields and I'm glad that she got a taste of reality. Unfortunately that incident is only going to fuel her tantrum and unlikeable personality. I can see future opponents trying to capitalize on what was shown. Perhaps a good left hook may be her weakness.
She is not only extremely obnoxious, but I don't even think she is selling wolf tickets. She really believes it. Concocting made up stories to fit her reality. And she is surrounding by violent retards who would threaten and or assault someone who attempted to put her in her place (even if she was asking for it) Even the guy who KOed her is part of the problem, sparring several rounds with her at 20% while she in the corner making a scene and claiming to be beating his ass. Obnoxious.
If you see some of her twits she's not selling wolf tickets, she's not bs to increase her popularity/viewerships she's CRAZy...she's bipolar or something...
I like shields. She puts up. Went into mma. Got beat but won her next fight. I get she is a cunt but she got balls
I think most respect her accomplishments in the ring. as somebody said if she just kept her trash talk in her lane(inside women's boxing/MMA). But why call out male boxers when we know it will end very bad for her. I say if she wants to fight a man so bad fight Jake Paul she's about as tough as his opponents.