Totally deserved his place in GD and not the TAA thread for dead people. Range like very few actors not just theatrically but temporally....will always be remembered for the Paulie role but had so many appearances like Curly in Chinatown "uh gee I don't know mista Giddes"
One thing that kinda annoyed me about the Sopranos was they resurrected guys like Burt young and Robert Loggia (Frank Lopez) and didn't get enough out of them. Nice to see them all the same. But it was like they resurrected them to lend strength to their own writing when it was flagging. Young and Loggia brought way more résumé to the scege than a lot of the "main" guys who had far greater roles. That's why I think they were brought in, to stiffen a sagging product.
Feech Lamana! He needed to be whacked, but Tony took mercy on him, and instead had him set up and sent back to prison instead.
The most touching part in Sopranos is when they had to off Big Pussy. Even though he was an FBI informant and it had to be done, it was still a sad episode.
Being that I live in the area, people out of state/country often ask me how authentic The Sopranos are. While I would never know their inner family workings, every Italian around here really does talk/curse like a Tony or Paulie.
Apparently, it was taking them ages to shoot his scenes because he had a lot of trouble remembering his lines, so they rewrote the script. Great performance though, especially given the problems he was having.
Had another question for you are there still Italian neighborhoods where non Italians get jumped like in the movie A Bronx Tale. Never been to NJ before. I mean if for example Irish accidently wondered into the wrong bar with his biker Maga friends. Would they get rushed by a bunch of Guido's just for being loud, rowdy and obnoxious dirt bags like in the movies? What if I accidentally drove my 2009 Nissan Sentra would the New Jersey drive crew car jack me? Just curious I'm sure people from out of town ask you all the time.
Apparently Robert Loggia was supposed to be on the show longer, but was old and couldn’t remember his lines. So they wrote him out of the show.
Just rewatched the episode where dying Burt Young whacked out Mustang Sally then choked to death driving home.
Not Azma. Dude was dying of lung cancer. Buy your earlier point is well taken. Its a shame that Burt only guest appeared in that one episode. Would have been nice if he had been made a regular character, at least for a full season.
My aunt lives in Perth Amboy. I stayed with her a few days way back in '99. It seemed old school as hell but I liked it. The couple of bars I went to looked straight out of 70's mafia movies. Though most people looked like everyday Americans, we saw a about a half dozen guys sporting the New Jersey white guy trifecta. Mullet/track suit/gold chain.
This is back in the late 80s but there was this quaint little cliffside bar/restaurant between LA & San Diego. I can't recall the name of the seaside town. My mom's friend worked there and said Burt Young used to come in there about once a month always alone. He said he seemed like a lonely guy but he was always very nice to the staff or any customers who recognized him.
I watched the Director’s Cut of Rocky 4 yesterday. A lot more changes than I’m used to seeing with a Director’s Cut. It’s darker (literally with the colors) and more serious in tone. None of that stupid “Paulie falls in love with a robot” subplot. Duke & Rocky giving eulogies at the funeral and Rocky breaks down. Much less of Brigette Nielsen talking. Stallone probably just gave her those lines at the time because he was nailing her. Some different angles used in the montages. And no standing ovation for Rocky from Gorbachev.
Rocky 4 is a guilty pleasure for me. For most of us, probably. It's not particularly good, but it sure is entertaining as Hell. That's what 5 got wrong. It's boring as Hell. The only compelling scene in 5 is the end, when Morrison decks Paulie and Rock hits him with possibly the most badass line in the whole series: "My ring's outside."
The 80s is the undisputed king decade of action movies that were so fun to watch, that you didn't care that they weren't exactly Chinatown in terms of quality. Rocky 4, Commando, Action Jackson, The Last Dragon, Road House. I don't give a shit about how corny those movies are... I watch em everytime they come on.