The Teo vs Ortiz fight made me want to go back to seeing fights where the aggressor was able to perform well against a mobile fighter and not just plod around looking completely lost. What are some examples of a fighter convincingly beating the constantly moving/negative fighter by cutting off the ring, being the effective aggressor, not showing signs of frustration, and methodically slowing them down? First that came to mind was Donald Curry vs Nino LaRocca
Duran vs Vilomar Fernandez is the textbook example of what you described. Just steadily making the ring smaller and smaller until Fernandez had no more room to breathe and was mauled in the late rounds.
So far we've listed Duran, Chavez, Tyson, Fenech, and Harada. I think you're arguably looking at the 5 best ring cutters in history in those guys. Frazier and Marciano are up there with them. I'd call those guys the top 7 in this category.
Here's another great example that comes to mind: Jose Torres vs Willie Pastrano. Cus really taught his guys how to cut the ring. Cus must be in his grave shaking his head in disgust at Teo and Regis.
Michalczweski was really good at cutting the ring. I mean, he obviously wasn't Duran or Chavez, but he was one of the best ring cutters of the 90s. Michalczweski vs Hill is a good example.
It's not just cutting the ring. Fighters know how to cut the fucking ring. They key is a willingness, because it is riskier.
No, Double, not every fighter knows how to cut the ring. That's an absurd statement. I'm sure every fighter knows the technical aspects that go into cutting the ring, cause Hell even I know that, but that doesn't mean they can all apply it at equal effect. It's far more nuanced than just some silly ass "they don't have the willingness." Kostya Tszyu, for example, could hardly be classified as a fighter who had one of the strongest wills of all time. And yet, to his credit, he was superb at cutting the ring. Trinidad had far more will than Tszyu, and admittedly Trinidad had more will than Tyson too, and yet Trinidad was bad at cutting the ring while Tyson/Tszyu were great at it. So your argument is highly faulty. Cutting the ring, at the truly elite level we're talking, is both a skill and a talent. Its a helluva lot more intricate than simply being willing to take risks.
Tszyu Judah good example from r1 2 minute mark and Zabs flashy bit, the gap from that last minute R1 til the ko r2 closes rapidly. Great ring cutting.
True, and timing always wins - but knocking out a guy being hands down sloppy isn't the best example. What Tszyu did against Sharmba Mitchell in their first fight was a textbook Soviet method of slowing a mover - Tszyu said it himself, he couldn't quite get a good rhythm initially due to Mitchell's snappy handspeed and footspeed so he started to grab, wrestle, rabbit punch, elbow, headbutt, lean etc eventually tiring and slowing Mitchell just enough to start touching him and bingo - Mitchell feels the momentum shift, cops a few blows and quits. Some call it cheating, some call it fighting, but Tszyu was pretty good at getting away with that sort of stuff.