Thanks to TKO and my tireless efforts in learning how to code in the last few days, we have saved the forum (for the 15th time) from it's untimely demise. While this is so, despite years of efforts, we have been unable improve the quality of posting. Best FightBeat Customer Care
On a serious note: Thank Jesus' sandals that we're back. Eastside is a wasteland of mindless boxing newbs and idiots. Longest week of my life having to suffer over there. Good to be home.
Really tought this was the end of the road for fb. Glad it came back from death. Eastide and sherdog are shitholes
That got me thinking. Pac was fighting at flyweight when DLH-Trinidad went down. DLH went up to 160 then back down to WW to lose to the ex flyweight.
It’s on the same level as Facebook. I’ve seen a guy say that Spence and Danny Garcia would have ruled in the 90s because the “past era fighters weren’t as advanced as today’s fighters.” Smh
Errol Spence drive a faster car that he crashed than the one that Jack Johnson drive when he crashed. So Errol beats Jack Johnson. Etc.
Say what you want about beefs grudges etc at Fightbeat but pfp it shits on the knowledge of other sites posters. Eastside is for people who think Valuev was Joe Louis on stilts. Maxboxing is for people who think Primo Carnera beats up Valuev. Morons.
Maxboxing .......fucking hell. No bullshit but Reed produces better context and content than guys like Fischer and Kim. YouTube ended those clowns and allowed knowledgeable people a seat at the table..pre 2006, fans were not in the room. Not in the room, not in the deal.
My thoughts exactly. Maxboxing is still around? Seconds Out circa 99-01, and this forum are the only two class boxing forums to ever exist imo. Well, one more. Boxing Fanatics at its peak was excellent, but Rebel fucked up BF with his bias and favoritism. They might be gone at this point, actually. We're the only quality forum to stand the test of time.
The difference between Eastside now and Eastside 25 years ago is that back then the site was run by Neo-Nazis, but at LEAST they were Neo-Nazis who actually followed the sport on a hardcore level. They at least had knowledge about historical fighters. It's worse now because it's overrun by casuals who have no reference of boxing before 2010. Guy told me that Monzon loses to Canelo because Monzon has 9 draws on his record, never beat anyone besides Emile Griffith, and that his technique wasn't good enough for a modern fighter. Like... holy fuck...