You read some really stupid things in Facebook boxing groups. I was in one for years that was all boxing guys, then somebody screwed up and made it an open group and it was immediately overrun by dingbats and dipshits.
It's all to do with ease of access. In the 2000s you had to love boxing enough to actively seek out a boxing forum, and you had to know what you were talking about, or else you'd be laughed away. There was no Facebook. No YouTube. You had to do an extensive Google search to find a good boxing forum, and like I said, you had to know your shit. Social media has made it so that it's incredibly easy for casual sports fans to infiltrate boxing discussion groups, and I'm sure in those groups two guys who are clueless about boxing are talking, and one says to the other: "Hey, I post on this boxing forum called Eastside. You should join." So, ESB keeps getting sign ups of guys who know fuck all about boxing outside of the names Canelo, Floyd, Pac, Tank, and Fury.
I just browsed through the Boxing Scene forum... nahhhh, hard pass. Looking through, I found out that our old buddy Jake is no longer with Box Scene. He's writing for Ring Mag now.
Ring We shouldn't be so hard on casuals. Ring used to have an editor called Nigel Collins whose summation of the upcoming Golota Vs Grant fight was that "Grant has longer arms, so hiss jab will land first". Editor....of the greatest boxing periodical of all time. Clueless .
Grant's the LAWGAH, TAWWLAH FIGHTAH! He needs to use Dat REAACH! and stay outside, at DISSANCE. Golata, as the SHORTAH FIGHTAH, needs to get inside and put WATAH IN DAT BASEMENT!
Lolz Teddy reminds me of Bernie Sanders. Loads of drawling NYC attitude and shouting, very little end producto....
AOL used to have a really good boxing forum back at the turn of the millennium. Then they got rid of it for some unknown reason. It's fine because I got kicked off anyway. I'd troll people who had an upper case I or lower case L in their username, you could just create a new username, switch the letter and impersonate them in chatrooms to freak them out. I was such a twat.