Hagler was better, but Monzon greater. Yes hes was going up in age, but losing to an inactive leonard hurt hagler standing imo.
Hagler was the man and I prefer him over Monzon but it’s a no brainer for me. Monzon was the better MW and had the greater resume between the two.
Yeah, I could never envision Monzon blowing the Leonard fight. Leonard's mind games really got to Hagler. Wouldn't work on Monzon because he was a sociopath. Good luck trying to disturb the emotions of a man without emotion.
Monzon was full of émotion. You dont strangle your wife and throw her off a balcony if your not consummed by anger and jealousy
The point stands I think Monzon was too "cold" to fall for Leonard's mind games. Not saying Marvin was a mental midget or anything. Of course he wasn't. But he let Ray get him in a way that I don't think would have worked on Monzon.
I'd argue neither are. I'd see arguments for both Greb and Robinson above them both. Between the two however, I'd say Hagler was better Monzon was greater.