You question Paul's health care plan ... but you don't want to "hear" or see it. You instead want me to tell you what it is in my own words , after you copy and paste a small snippet of Paul's explanation of how health care costs can be driven down through a system of competition , just like technologies drop in price. You basically don't really want to know. You want to argue nonsense and true to the Obamanite code of ethics , you want fluff and bluff ... not real solutions.
Just put Ron Paul's healthcare stance right next to Obama's, and you'll see that Ron Paul basically has no plan to do anything about healthcare.
cut&petre can't intelligently articulate paul's health care plan...all he can do is paste it here and say "I told you so". :: cut&petre's best defense for ron paul has always been to attack obama...often juvenile attempts to deflect questions he can't or refuses to answer.
Hey! That sounds good! ... to bad it's not true Phonytap. Head to head , I'd take Paul's stance on just about every issue over Obama's fluff and bluff. And I've gone over all Paul's plans ad nauseam so , even though your childish comment gave you the giggles , I'm sure. Anyone that's been paying attention knows better.
this is so ridiculous please remove obamas ballsack from your mouth pauls plans are infinitely better than obamas, hell paul has the only plan that could actually save social security and while obama and mccain spar over which group of people should be taxed or get cuts, paul wants to get rid of the income tax altogether i dont even know why i bother, your obviously beyond any sort of objectivity on the matter
:laughing: its so ridiculous its laughable, they want to know his plans, then when you tell them, they go off on some tangent
whats even funnier is the fact that paul actually IS a doctor, youd think hed know a leeeeedle bit more about it than obama and especially fartben
Yep ... and act as if they got you some how. :: I think there's some mental retardation going on there. :notallthere:
Yes, Ron Paul and his handfull of bullet points is a very comprehensive healtcare plan. :notallthere: Ron Paul has never shown an ounce of substance. His entire campaign is full of statements that will never be implemented but sounds good to the 1% of idiots that voted for him.
you cant think of any substanative argument against them, why wont they work? you have no answer except for non-sensical bullshit either debate or shut the fuck up, period as for bullet points, wtf has obama offered besides slogans and cliches? explain to me how his plan will work, you cant, because either you have no clue as to how itll work or your just willfully ignorant to anything other than those cliches and catch-phrases
And Social Security and college , paid for with our tax dollars. As well as the Global Poverty Tax paid to the UN and removal of tax breaks , major increase in capital gains ... and on and on. But he says "I want to tax the rich more" and idiots go YEAH! that sounds good , not realizing he's gonna tax their ass way more too.