We ALL know how you think the Bible is the word of God :warning: Because you agree with me that it is not 3.0 like your Bible says, that proves God? ::
It's more than obvious that the universe was created by a being infinitely more intelligent than us. It's arrogant to think otherwise.
It's arrogant to think he wrote a book that isn't even close to making sense or being accurate. To assign a creator to a Universe we know very little about, is also more arrogant.
How doesn't it make sense or is accurate? I am thankful that the creator of the universe chooses to communicate with us in a very personal way even though we are very insignificant.
It makes no sense there are many religions, especially given the punishment for choosing the incorrect one. The book you are so fond of has nothing accurate in it and is open to too many interpretations, obviously not a work of God, but if it was.....how insecure must you be to inflict such misery for not worshipping ones self.....it makes no sense and is disgusting when you think about it.....no wonder Dogma commands you not to think :: It just doesn't work when you do ray::notallthere:
Great job in taking the easy way out again:bears: There is an answer for all of your questions and criticisms and generalizations. Instead you lump them all together and CHOOSE not to seek the answers. That is your downfall.
Easy way out? It is your God damn delusion, you just don't like it to be spelled out for you how much lunacy it is based off of....
Define creation and gtfoh with bullshit unmeasured statistics. I guess since we are that close to Chimps in DNA using real statistical data.....well, you know the rest :mj:
Look at all the religions in the world and do the math yourself if you want an exact number. Atheists are clearly a minute percentage.
Propaganda, if I look at all the religions....I am looking at alot of Muslims, so your point is moot as always. Check the stats here, then get back to me about "minute" :bears: Clearly you are slective about percentages, case and point DNA and Fightbeat.....so why use it? Owned again.
Bad example. Muslims believe in one God that created the universe. Find me numbers that say even 20% of the world that don't believe in a creator. You can't count the religions that believe that the universe is just eternal because that has been proven to be false:hammert:
Good example because your point is to prove your religion is right, you can't use a religion you don't believe in. You said there are only 1% of the world that doesn't believe? Really? Communist states make up 1%? :hammert: 1% happened to be 90% of fightbeat? What is the statistical percentage of that happening? Once again, stay away from percentages because it does you no good.....remember the DNA and fighbeat!
No. I'm pointing out how atheists are in the minority overall and how they are the dumbest creatures on earth.
Not the minority here. If you are not allowed to use logic or be sceptical, then who is really dumb? Most people are dumb and you admittedly fall into this category.....
You use "logic" to deny. I use logic to accept. You are wrong here and will be going to hell because of it.
I don't want anyone to go there, but they are because they made THE wrong choice. That's why you're going to hell.
Prove it, I have many other religions before (from where Christianity came from) and after that "prove" I will not, or at least not stay there.
There is at least once choice and you've got it wrong so far, so as of this moment you are destined for hell. I hope these words resonate and cause you to seek the truth.
Nope, you got it wrong because the Quran is the truth. Nope, you got it wrong because the Torah is the truth. Nope, you got it wrong because the Tibeten book of the dead is the truth.
They're all wrong too. You're definitely wrong and from your own words, I can tell you that you are going to hell if you don't change your perspective.
They are as wrong as yours, yours is in the minority about Jesus as the son of God.....and we know how important that is in truth.