#1. Would be to drop some of that unnecessary muscle he's carrying in his upperbody (particularly his shoulders) and drop to 140. He's too small for 147 and like Judah he will eventually be facing guys that are just too big and strong for him. #2. Would be to hire Floyd Mayweather Sr. I think given Andre's talent, that Floyd would be perfect for him. If Sr. really took Andre under his wing I think they could both have tremendous success together. Floyd could really teach Andre the in's and out's of boxing, some fundamentals, some much needed defense, and probably how to think on his feet. I think if Andre continues on the path he's on now he's headed for a big time loss and really I wouldn't be surprised at all if Forbes outboxes him this weekend. Forbes has more substance than Berto at this point. Berto is much like Judah, all talent and not much else. You take away that handspeed and what have you got? A mediocre boxer with no defense. Anyway that's just my theory. What do you guys think?
It's silly to compare Berto to Judah at this stage. Judah's rep is based on his big fights meltdowns. We haven't seen how Berto would deal with adversity yet.
I agree that Floyd Sr, would be perfect for him. You already see that he shows flashes of the Mayweather defense and Floyd Sr, would perfect it for him, he definately has the physical tools for it. I dont think his defense is THAT bad as people make it out to be. I can see your point about the weight, despite Berto being very muscular, guys like Margarito, Cintron, Williams just look like bigger guys that him in general. Plus I think Berto is going to have no problems with Forbes at all, its probably going to look easy IMO.
sure we have... when he got dropped by Cosme Rivera, he responded by getting an extended break between rounds to have a glove replaced.
Here's a tip for his career... Let Shane Mosley take punches for him. Berto getting KTFO badly isn't an issue of "if" it's "when."
But don't you think he might fare a bit badly in the chin department fighting at 140 compared to 147?
So in summary, to enhance his career Berto should fight smaller guys and become a better fighter? Super.
No, he should fight guys his size. They reside at 140. I think Berto might be smaller than Cotto. How the hell would little as Berto fare against the Clottey's, Margarito's & P.Williams of the world? Hell I'd give Cintron a good chance against him only because he's so much bigger. What Berto really should have done was take a page from Mosley's career. Suck himself down to 135, blow out some guys with a bunch of KO's and make a name for himself. HBO would have been sucking him off with a bigass contract and would have put him on the hype-up tour. Instead, he starts out at 147 :doh:. Even Cotto didn't do that.
No reason to think Berto can make 140 as I said in the other thread where you brought this up. If you really think Forbes will beat Berto, then go bet on it. You will probably get great odds. Berto is going to beat Forbes easily. Imo, it's a lock.
To be honest I haven't seen Forbes fight in years. I just heard he did real good in his last 2 and seeing as how one of those was against Oscar, I figured that would mean something. As for the weight, like I said Berto's height, unnecessary muscle in some places tell me he should have no problem cutting down to 140. Maybe he's too pussified to do it but that's his fault. Nearly everyone else cuts weight, he'd better join the fray.
He lost every round to DLH, who fought like he didn't even care about defense. Berto should handle Forbes.
140 is dead. 147 is where the pay days are at. It just goes to show how much Berto's handlers really think of him. Are they trying to wait out 147 until everyone moves up??? I think they are.
Berto isn't making 140. And if he does, he'll be counting lights against anyone with a speck of a punch, a la Pacquiao's last 112 lb fight.