Marquez: Experience will prevail! By Peter Lim The guy's beatable," Marquez told The Houston Chronicle. "Besides Miranda, who has he fought? And Miranda was just a Colombian guy with a great record who talks a lot, but that's it. Look at my record and look at his record. The names that I've beaten are probably better than the names that he's beaten. Look at the overall picture."You know the saying – you have to knock him out in Germany to get a draw," Marquez said. It was for that very reason his team pressed hard for the fight to be televised outside of Europe. "We want to make sure it's shown here in the United States because in case there's controversy, in case I get a bad decision, I want to make sure that the people here in America and all over the world know about that." :atu::atu:
The only good thing about this fight is that it came at the expense of Lorenzo, who nearly cake-walked his way to a title shot. It's a pathetic mandatory, but if Abraham sandwiches it between a Miranda rematch and a Winky Wright fight then it's not that bad.
i'd love for marquez to win. abraham is holding that title hostage and can't do shit but punch. fk him.
Why the hell would anyone want Abraham to lose to such a mediocre fighter? Abrahama has shown he is willing to come to the states and fight his opponent in his promoters backyard as well. Fuck the haters, Abraham is going to bash Marquez's ass :bears::warning:
well i was about to tell u some other stories about odds from this fight but... well... fuck you and your fractional odds... ::
Peter Lim is a dumbfuck, take it from somebody that is in the same circle as him. I am good friends with Raul but I have to be honest, he will NOT win this fight. My heart says yes but my head knows better.
I don't get all the negative reaction. There have been plenty of worse fights than this. Marquez beat a guy who was getting a shitload of hype. Deserved hype or not, it was coming and not just from the press clippings. Marquez was a huge underdog and he won a well deserved decision and as a result is getting the prize that was on the line for that. This is boxing and this the way fights SHOULD be happening, IMO.
I don't remember Lorenzo getting that much hype. For a US-based fighter with an American promoter and that high of ranking, he was about as unknown and underexposed as it gets...and he really had fought anybody to be ranked that high.
He is MUCH better than guys like Lockett and others.. He has a nice win streak and clearly beat McKart in his hometown and later got jobbed then beat Lorenzo who is a pretty good fighter. I think that Raul will lose but no way is this the worst title fight of the year, Raul will make Abraham work and if Arthur does KO him, it wont be easy at all.
Exactly... Sure, Raul "Earned" This Shot, but he's STILL Gonna Get WAXED... The Sooooooner Pavlik-Abraham Happens, the BETTER... REED:hammert:
marquez would get blasted out in less than 3 vs. pavlik. i've only seen footages of lockett, but him vs. marquez is a toss up. i don't think too highly of abraham's power, but he should win this fight easily. beating an unrproven lorenzo was impressive in a sense that marquez hadn't had a significant win in nearly a decade if he ever had one. how that fight was an eliminator is beyond me. but whatever, i won't be running to my computer to check fightnews to see who won tomorrow.
marquez is worthless and boring. he should just go away. he hasn't been relevant in many moons and its ridiculous that he is being rewarded for hanging around until he found a fraudulent contender he could narrowly defeat.
Basically Lorenzo was supposed to get TV exposure on Showtime before his mandatory title shot, and the IBF made them pick an opponent from the the top ten, they´d call it a title eliminator and collect an extra fee. Unfortunately nobody let Marquez in on the tune up plan.
yep....those were shitty too....especially Pavlik-Lockett....Gomez i think is about even with Marquez....but Cotto is so much better than Abraham that it was more of a fuckin depressing is all this, debating the worst match apologies for asking the question
this is a stupid fight that don't belong on tv let alone ppv :bangh: Some claim Marquez earned his shot by winning the eliminator. Well why was he fighting an elminator to begin with? That's the real problem! The guy comes out of retirement once in a blue moon, gets his ass kicked and retires again. Except this time he won a tittle shot :: talk about killing Abraham's momentum after that Miranda rematch ko