Clearly there is another reason why he was pulled out of this fight, the "flu" is a load of bollocks. He is squinting his eyes to try and look ill/tired, his complexion is fine, he doesn't look uncomfortable or pale or sweaty, and there's some carefully placed medicine on the bedside table. Come on, it's a load of bollocks. Clearly ham of arab knew he was going to get a shit kicking, and wanted none of it.
It still looks more professional than Calzaghes self wrapped broken hand to get out of the Glen Johnson bout. I´m not even sure it was the correct hand. :laughing:
So what is a more believable reason then? I know even a doctor couldn't tell shit from a picture so you're diagnosis isn't even worth discussing. When i had a minor cold a few weeks ago i had no fever and looked fine from the outside but sure as hell felt weak enough to never step into a ring, although i'm sure i'm more of a pussy than a pro boxer. Maybe they're just playing it safe... :dunno: He doesn't look deadly ill on the pics so i'm sure they were not published to prove a point.
Course he isn't afraid of Marquez....but the flu...thats him coming in at 90%..and he can still beat Marquez EASILY...
LOL a heavy flu puts you alot less than 90% It can easily put you down to 20-30% In a sport where there is slim room for error, going in with a flu is a very bad idea, and I very much doubt there is any faking to this.
Look, MWS came up with this 'clever' nickname "ham of arab" and common sense is not welcome in this thread until he says it at least 60 more times.
Some of you are as funny as fuck... How many of you out there have called in sick from work cuz of a headache or stomach you had? And I doubt your career had to do with gettin hit in the head or stomach, so if the man has the flu, its a pretty damn good reason to not take a chance and fight the guy later... I would like most of you to just try sparring with a fuckin headache, let alone take on a professional fighter with the flu...God some of you are just fuckin stupid...
pussy wusses... a fucking flu... common gimme a break it's not ballet, anyone who cancels a fight because of this is a gay ham of arab... :kick:
Okay...fighting Marquez...20-30% should be more than enough.....:doh: It's not like he is fighting Pavlik, Taylor, or Miranda...:nono: don't matter though...he cares about this fight...:dunno::shit:
Shutup Stevedave! hahaha I just think before someone calls Abraham, the man who fought with a fuckin broken ass jaw a pussy, they should look at maybe how they have reacted in lesser events in their life... Its not like he is pulling out, he is going to still fight him, he rather fight him at 100%, Marquez is a veteran if you don't take him seriously, he will beat you, no matter how shit people think he is. And he does have a hell of a chin...if Abraham got tired in the fight cuz he is sick, he would find himself lookin up at the lights.
Abraham paid off the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted before the trial. So back to boxing business, and no travel issues for America.
Probably. Though it makes sense, when you think about it. The longer he's away from the ring, the more public demand to see him fight builds.
In some fighters case, sure. I don't think this applies to Winky Wright, though. He's not getting bad advice either...unless you consider his inflated sense of self worth as such.
Don't tell me I need to start using smilies, Tam. :: Wright wasn't bringing in huge crowds when he was an active champion. You could put together quite a roster of fights he's priced himself out of...going years back.
Winky is a very good fighter and no one looks good against him, even Hopkins. Why pay him a good chunk of money to look like shit, even if you win... I think I understand Abraham's camp's decision. Yeah, I know that's what sucks about boxing but money talks...
It depends in part on the future of Pavlik. It's not like there's a lot of money-options at 160 w/out him in the picture.
Agreed, but Abraham can get about the same payday against a no hoper in Germany, unfortunately for Winky.
Winky's situation reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Mensa rules Springfield and they make the rule that breeding is reduced to once every six years. For many of you, this will be much less fighting. For me, much, much more.
Abraham said he´s willing to fight Pavlik on January 24th and he doesn´t give a crap whether it´s in Vegas or Cleveland.