Yep.... ANYTIME REED "Dares" To DISagree w/the Premise of a Thread, Roy Jones is THROWN Into the Mix.... The WORST Part is, a So-Called Roy Jones "FAN" is the 1 that THREW him Into This Particular Thread... REED:boohoo:
REED Could ALSO Do a "Search" that "Verifies" his "Injury" N the Chris Byrd Fight... Is Vitali THE Most BRITTLE Fighter Ever???... REED:hammert:
So he was scared of Chris Byrd too in a fight he was winning at worst 8-2? And yeah, I agre he probably is brittle. He's huge and there haven't been many fighters of his size before, who reached any kind of respectable level in the sport. Im not defending the guy's heart or ability to fight with pain...or his qualities as a fighter. I'm simply saying he didn't duck no Hasim Rahman. He quit the sport and lost more money than either of us can imagine in doing so because he was a gimpy cunt.
That's why I thought he was bitching out. I thought he would wipe out Rahman after some drama, but obviously he didn't. He called off the fight one day before the damn weigh in. I was pissed. Rahman always has a chance. He had some decent performances going into that fight. I think he was wiping out crusierweights and then Kali Meehan (current #1 contender::). I remember the purse being 12 million total with Vitaly getting 75% of that, so I felt bad for Rahman really and the amount Vitaly was going to get made me wonder even more why he dropped out. I'd take 8 million to get KTFO at worse. Edit: If I'm not mistaken, there were rumors going around that Vitaly got dropped in sparring at the time. I forgot who allegedly dropped him.
Sorry TAMster.... There's NO Reconciling Pulling Out of 3 DIFFERENT Fights w/THE SAME Motherfucker, Dog...@ SOME Point, U've GOT to Wonder, "Does he just NOT Want to FIGHT the Guy???":dunno:...& WHY???:dunno: Of Course Vitali WASN'T Scared of Byrd; he was ALREADY SHARING a Ring w/him...But that's Something he NEVER did w/Rahman...Flat Out REFUSED to, as it Turned Out... REED Can Think of ONE HBO "Countdown" Show that DIDN'T Result N an Actual Fight & that was Vitali-Rahman... As for the Money, it's NOT Like Vitali was Ever STRUGGLING for it to Begin w/, which Made NEGLECTING Rahman even EASIER... REED:hammert:
I think I gotta side with my boy Reed on this one. There was something very very unusual and peculiar about the way big Vit went about the Rahman fight. I don't know how good your memory is Tam Tam but I specifically remember, (although I cannot rewind this board to 2004 and pull out the articles and posts to prove it), that Vitali first signed the contract to fight Rahman, then got "injured" so the date was pushed back....then during this rehabilitation, Vitali makes public challenges to Lennox Lewis for a rematch WHILE he's set to fight Rahman, and at that same time Vitali also makes a challenge to Lamon Brewster if I remember correctly, and during this sillyness, he continues pushing back the Rahman fight. I have a strong feeling Vitali's injuries would've magically healed had Lewis accepted his challenge. Maybe Vitali didn't think Rahman was worthy or maybe Vitali thought that financially only a Lewis fight made sense, but it seemed he didn't care too much for the Rahman fight and likely couldn't bring himself to go ahead with it. Maybe he just didn't want to waste calendar space on Rahman. Who knows? But I do know that we were all on this board talking about it and we all figured that something strange was going on during this mess between Vitali and Rahman. Also take into account, Rahman came off a brutalizing and ferocious 4 round demolition job of Kali Meehan and many on here were riding his jock as being the most worthy challenger to Vitali. Vitali may have been a little uncomfortable or something or thought if he wasn't fully healthy then Rahman might cause the upset as he'd done to Lewis. But what is most certainly true is that Vitali was making challenges to other boxers while he was obligated to fighting his WBC #1 mandatory contender Hasim Rahman. Injured boxers don't normally make challenges to other boxers while they're rehabilitating AND while they're contractually obligated to facing their mandatory challengers.
so Vitali was scared of that scrub Rahman but will fight a younger better Peter after a 4 year layoff? :bangh: The fact that Vitali retired from the sport should tell you how serious those injuries were. I just don't see any reason for Vitali to fear Rahman. YOu have to really like Rahman or hate Vitali to come to that conclusion. The only thing Rahman has going for him is his power. Vitali tasted Lewis' power and kept coming like it was nothing. Why the fuck would he fear Rahman? why did he sign to fight Rahman in the first place? why did he keep postponing the fight instead of cancelling from the get go? I think he really tried to make that fight happen but the injuries didn't let him. Therefore he retired. Had he kept fighting other guys then I can see an argument. He was out boxing for 4 years and Rahman was not the reason. ::
dsimon writes: Crickey it is moronic not to acknowledge that the situation is strange, sorry thats the truth... The thread will now rehash why it is strange with people lining up on one side of the fence or the other with no new light or allegations made regarding the Hasime Vitali X file. The best take on this situation is from the movie Pulp Fction where Travolta asks Rhame's mole why an incident occured between him and another guy and she says "nobody will ever know what happened that day, or why." Case closed.
yeah but by watching both Vitali and Rahman in several fights is enough for me to know or assume that Vitali would wipe his ass with RAhman. I am not even a fan of Vitali. But it's silly to think he would fear Rahman. Why? what does that clown bring to the table that Vitali had to retire? :dunno:
Vitali had wanted to fight Calvin Brock at first, but the WBC forced him to fight Rahman. Maybe Vitali didn't care much to fight Rahman for whatever reason, but he was set to make millions of dollars and postponed the bout 3 straight times, then cancelled a week before the fight. He wasn't scared, he was just injured.
I remember the doctor's tried to get him to fight with some dirty big knee brace and the resulting footage was not pretty.
oh fuck off really - i am a fan of both and they sure as hell BOTH never ducked a fight... i just thought YOU would understand if Roy is thrown into the mix as it would be JUST AS ridiculous to make such a statement - apparently not... :boohoo: my ass fucking Rahman... :laughing:
dsimon writes: I think the following is true: Vitalie is arrogant. He would feel no need to give a reason, or make ammends to his fan base when the Rahman situation occured. You know fuck the fans, they will get over it? This arrogance may explain why he felt no inclination to make amends... more than any fear of Rahman. That is what I hate about this guy and his brother. They are truly a bunch or arrogant pricks who will do what they want and avoid all inklings of a decent fight to do what they want. They do not care about the fans.
Dear Ms. Muhammad Could I please duck Antonio Tarver, and fight Glen Kelly instead. Sincerely Roy Jones
Speaking of, Vitali held ALOT in the last round of the fight against Lewis. After that uppercut that blew a hole through his upper lip in the 6th, Vitali did nothing but hold, even wrapping both his arms around Lewis' waist and driving him backwards all the way across the ring while Lewis was trying to throw punches. It seemed Vitali was the one who needed a time out to rest, because he sure wasn't 'fighting'.
I'd have to disagree with dsimon also. Which boxers actually give a sh*t about the fans? Look at Roy Jones and Tyson, two of the biggest stars in their day. Look who they were fighting as opposed to the guys whom the fans wanted to see them fight? They didn't give a sh*t about any fans.::
:: Actually, didn't the stiff white robot throw a weak one back not long after it..?, which had Merchant amused declaring...."Learning on the job!" ,.. That made me laugh, because Vitali's incompetant German coach sure as hell doesn't know what the fuck an uppercut is.
Yeah, that was a pretty pathetic attempt at an uppercut. It's obviously a punch he'd never thrown before. He tried an uppercut against Sanders too, completely losing his footing in the process. He's got a good straight right though.
dsimon writes: what are we disagreeing about? I never said other boxers aside from Lewis were not arrogant. I would agree that Jones and Tyson were arrogant. Lewis fought the guys the fans wanted him to fight is all I said and I stand by that. What I find particularly disturbing about the Klitschkos is that they want to monopolize a division.
True but the state of the division is pretty bad right now. Not sure I even know who I want to see the Klitschkos fight. Maybe against eachother would be the biggest matchup that can be made right now.
dsimon writes: Set a better example as a mod. If you have a problem with me you have a PM you can reach me at.... You probably can surmise that if you were insulted/offended at something I said to you that I would apologize unconditionally. You may see it as BS but I happen to feel very strongly that these guys care about their legacy and their legacy alone... whether it be political or in boxing.
dsimon writes: How about the latest upstart puncher? a cruiserweight champ? Lewis fought guys coming up all the time. He would relish an opportunity to fight a guy with a punch... Lewis even paid a heavy price for it.
True but the division was a trillion times stronger in Lewis' day than it is now. Back then he had younger stronger tougher guys to deal with. Guys in their twenties like Tua, Briggs, Golota, Akinwande, Rahman, Grant even if you're talking latest upstart. Nobody is coming up in today's ranks. We just have a bunch of has-beens trying to regain their former glory along with a bunch of no-hopers.
dsimon writes: yes and....?:: I mean there was more opportunity to duck in lewis' case. But he still took tough fights. Ad yes during his reign the heavies were strong. Still though why did Lewis have to fight the likes of Briggs? or Grant? I guess I see your point in that Lewis could not duck anyone because there were always strong opponents around... oK Hanzy I can buy that.
Dsimon, he's not an upstart at heavyweight.:: You have to actually do something to be an upstart. The funny thing about this is Povetkin is probably closer now to where Grant and Tua were than you care to realize...and he is perhaps better than either.