I'm not talking about Ali back in his heyday because we all would have wanted to follow him. I'm talking about fighters that you had a passing interest in while they were active. I was kind of young to be following the Leonard and Durans, but I was aware of them in the mid 80's. I remember Hagler's Right Guard commercial from back then. The one figther I had not heard about until well after he was done, was Aaron Pryor. If I had saw him while he was active, there is no doubt I would have been following his career, even at a young age.
Livingstone Bramble and Buddy McGirt absolutely sucked the last 10 fights or so of their careers...Bramble literally and McGirt was painful to watch toward the end (after Whitaker 1). Saw some earlier Bramble (like Mancini) and he was really good. Recent guys...probably the asian fighters like pong and sahaprom where they are never shown live.
Just a few off the top of my head that I would have liked to have seen more of during their careers...Yuri Arbachakov, Orzubek Nazarov, Saman Sorjaturong.
you shouldve followed gabe brown. he's a jones jr tagalong and he has a similar physique as you could if u weren't a sedentary sloth