This would be quite an awkward fight for Vitaly. Toney is a very crafty fighter and he can dodge most of Vitaly's attacks. Vitaly will have trouble hitting him.
dsimon writes: Toney talks a lot, and can be pretty funny to some of us. Toney is also no dope... don't kid yourself. Toney might fight one of the Klits as a last fight but he knows they are really too big for him. He has a good run picking off the normal sized heavies because the division is weak. Like Jones he used his boxing skills to take advantage of the opportunities in the heavyweight division. Toney is too smart to get talked into that fight. And while he could present some problems for the Klits ultimately he is too small. Also his style is such that he has to counter and Klits reach would be a huge problem for him in this capacity, Klit would have a foot of space before Toney could reach him with a counter! Though Rahman does have long arms and Toney did pop him.... Toney is one of my faves I would love to see him show up in earnest for a fight like this and do well, but I don't see it happenin goven the realtive size of both guys.
Maybe 5 or 6 years ago. But not right now. If Toney and Vitaly fight now....Toney suffers his first KO loss, for certain.
You make it sound like Toney's bringing fresh new material and while you get the joke the rest of us are too stodgy or unimaginative - or whatever - to get it. In reality, Toney's pretty much a one trick pony in the verbal department these days...and he's already had his card pulled by Klitschko years ago. He's forfeited the right to talk about him. Not that it matters, his career will be over soon enough and no amount of roids or HGH can change that.
I'd really like to see this fight but not because I'd be intrested to see who wins but because Toney deserves to get destroyed
dsimon writes: Did you and Tam both use the same brand of tampon this week? or something? How can you read all that shit into a simple response? I make it sound? No, I simply stated that some people appreciate his antics and some do not. YOu make it sound like I am trying to justify and promote some angle to him challenging the Klitschkos.... Ridicuous assertion when I have said over and over he would be crazy to take such a fight, including in this thread. And whether you or Tam like it or not, Toney is very good and has earned the respect to talk trash on occasion and it is a remarkable achievment to be able to fight anyone in the Heavyweight division at his relative size. Toney has distinguished himself a lot more than the Klitschkos as far as career achievements go, thats also a fact. Toney is in addition to being a hall of fame quality fighter a character that some people like and others do not... that is a totally fuck all transparent statement.
I never said anything about him challenging the Klitschkos. Toney's already proven he didn't really want to. That doesn't keep their names out of his mouth. Even if you appreciate him as a fighter you can see how transparent that is. He wasn't competitive against Peter in the rematch and he embarassed himself against Batchelder. A few decent rounds against Rahman isn't worth anything anymore. At this point he's just barking in a weak attempt to remain somewhat relevant so he can get one last retirment check. It's a stale act.
dsimon writes: In a normal division it would be, in this division he is one of the more active fighters... like it or not. He didn''t look good against Peter but he is still a threat to most of the guys in the division. You are reading into his motives and making assumptions. Unless you think half the division is doing the same. But that is fine... I understand your antipathy for Toney its all good, but honestly when I say some people like the guy and some don't thats exactly what I mean! I don't think people are less for not appreciating what he does and how he goes about doing it.
Name some relevant fighters he's a threat to...and what you're basing that on. Toney had a substantial offer to fight Wladimir Klitschko for a title. He turned it down. Instead, he opted for a path that took him to an eliminator against Peter, which I thought he won, but which the judges thought he lost. He managed to get an immediate rematch out of it, and was beaten easily. When you call a fighter out, get an offer to fight him (for a title), turn it down, take a lesser fight against a worse fighter - who lost to the guy who offered you a fight - and lose to them (twice), you've had your card pulled. When you then continue to talk about them, you come off as matter how great a fighter, and a talker, you once were.
dsimon writes: That may be your opinion. My opinion is that anyone with any sense can see that Toney is about as prepared as Marquez to fight at that weight. You and Tam just want to see Toney get splattered by a morally upright Klitschko.... :nono::: You know what? in my opinion for th eKlitschkos to offer to fight Toney shows them to be slime balls. Yeah I bet they would jump at that opportunity, why don't they ofer to fight Marquez also if he calls them out? And then ignore Haye.... Hum? We can argue this all day but you don't like Toney being brash. Fine, I happen to like his brashness. He has accomplished a lot more than the Klitschkos and that is a fact, a fct you will have to live with:dunno: Unless the Klitschkos do a lot more than strangle the horrible heavyweights with their brotherlove fest. If you don't feel like Toney has earned the right to talk trash go tell him. :mj:
I love your reasoning. They were being "slime balls" by offering a fight to someone whose called them out numerous times in the past, and who'd already fought for the heavyweight title. Toney's the guy most American media wanted to annoint as the best heavyweight after he'd already 'roided his way out of a title against Ruiz. But the Klitschko's were picking on him.:laughing:
dsimon writes: the klitschkos are oportunists in a big way. That is not entirely a critiscism just a comment. They are not like Lewis who just cleaned house, they choose their opponents carefully to guard against somoene who might have a chance. Toney is an easy target because of his size and he did not have any belt when called out. Meanwhile a guy like Haye who is a real treat at heavy walks around in Vlads face and they do nothing.... think about it Oh and by the way Haye does have a champiobnship belt last I checked.
Toney was ranked at heavyweight by more than what he'd done at cruiserweight by that point. He'd at least beaten Holyfield, temporarily beaten Ruiz, and fought to a draw with Rahman...not great credentials, perhaps, but at least something to judge him by. Haye hasn't fought, let alone beaten, one heavyweight anybody has heard of...much less one anybody respects on a resume. Thompson and Povetkin are at least ranked at heavyweight by what they've done at the weight. If Haye does something at the weight and Wladimir avoids him for a (percieved) lesser opponent, then the criticism becomes relevant.
dsimon writes: You can't have it both ways Mitchell. If you are calling Toney a respectable heavyweight then you are admitting he does not suck. And sorry, but your first retort works against your line of reasoning as well. Its true, Toney was a cruiser champion as well but by that time when the Klitschkos so gracioualy accepted his challenge he was.... just another heavyweight in the pack, and not a mandatory at that. Haye being a champion counts a lot, he gets at least the same emiritus cred that Vitali got as a present champ! one would think! Sorry yu are in over your head on this one and obviously grasping at straws. Face it the Klitschkos are a bunch o bullies picking out the weak contenders to feast on all the way to the top. Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah!!! opcorn:
Toney was respectable enough to be ranked in the top 10...based on what he'd done in the ring as a heavyweight, against heavyweights (based on three fights against known, regarded heavyweights). Haye isn't ranked based on anything he's done at heavyweight, because he hasn't fought one meaningful heavyweight. I love how your reasoning goes....Haye is more worthy because he's just recently dumped his belts, whereas Toney wasn't because he'd actually fought at heavyweight for a period of time. Haye hasn't prvoen he's better than Povetkin, so why should Klitschko bypass a mandatory challenger to fight him? If he did, you know exactly how you'd characterize it.