Cardiff, Wales (October 20, 2008)…As he continues to prepare for his November 8 "Battle of the Superpowers" against Roy Jones, Jr at Madison Square Garden in New York City and live on HBO Pay-Per-View, undefeated light heavyweight champion Joe Calzaghe took a quick break from training to share his thoughts on Saturday night's tremendous victory for Bernard Hopkins over Kelly Pavlik. Here is what he had to say:
Calzaghe pulls a "Fraud"... allows other fighters to "fingers crossed".. do the job, and then leaps up into the air claiming victory,.. War Roy,..
Exactly. Fuck Calzaghe. It's not as he had the balls to get in the ring with Pavlik. War Roy is fucking right, I hope he knocks Calzaghe the fuck out.
yeah, he just had the balls to beat Bernard Hopkins. What a pussy. If anything Saturday's fight just cemented for me that RJJ has no chance against Calzaghe, who is an elite fighter, as compared with Roy whose now a has-been elite fighter.
No, it's the fact that he's claiming Roy, who's clearly over the hill, is a superior opponent to Pavlik, now I know Pavlik looks bad at this present time,.. but the overwelming consensus wanted him to fight Pavlik,.. but he,.. just like Fraud,.. dictated to us what we were going to get wether we liked it or not,.. now predictably he's taken advantage of this recent situation..:nono:
no doubt.. if CrapSaggy had any balls he would have fought Roy 10 years ago not NOW!! he said "Roy is a legend" but Roy is washed up!!! I bet Roy STILL Dominates his ass and sends him back to Hamburg to flip hamburgers
What's he going to say about that, though? He's fighting Jones for the paycheck. But given his last two opponents, it's not completely undeserved, IMO.
Given his career as a whole is it really deserved? Calzaghe hasn't exactly been beating the elite all along.
calzaghe is a smart dude. he had the toughest and ugliest fight of his career vs. hopkins and he came out on top while making a career high pay day. what would he gain out of fighting hopkins in a rematch no one cares to see?
word....and only man-up to fight Hopkins/Jones when they show weakness...Calzaghe wasn't trying to fight Hopkins back in 2001-02....and Jones..NEVER..till he has been KOTFO...
I would have rather see him fight Glen Johnson or Chad Dawson than Pavlik or Jones. I never liked Calzaghe-Pavlik from a competitiveness standpoint. It would have meant to Calzaghe, probably, because of the regard Pavlik was held in, but seriously, I thought Pavlik was vaulted way too quickly up the p4p rankings/considerations...before the "face of American boxing" got battered and bruised on Saturday night. Middleweight is very shallow,and Pavlik still had/has some work to do there.
Ahhh,.. I'm afraid you made that up,.. because,.. Hopkins turned him down :shit:, AND in that very year, 2002 I believe,... but it's alright, alooooot of bitter Americans have had to be pulled up on that,...actally :crafty: I think you've been reminded before,.. but,.. chose to forget..:crafty: