Deerfield Beach, Florida October 21, 2008 — Legendary boxing promoter Don King will be speaking at an international peace conference organized by Peres Center for Peace, an international non-profit organization that promotes peace and reconciliation in the Middle East, on October 27th at the Dan Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel. <!-- m --><!-- m -->
"Mr. King will participate as a panelist and share his thoughts on the unique ability of sports to transcend barriers in language, politics, religion, and gender and how sports have been used as a powerful peacemaking tool." I wonder if he'll bring up Holmes-Cooney as an example?
They should've asked DLH to come...he's always got something positive to say about the Jewish people.
:laughing: I wouldn't put it past Don to use it as an opportunity to promote sombody. He'd probably wave both flags with the star of david and a swaztika if he had a fighter in each "camp". ::