all slappy has to do is feint jones to the ropes and slap away kinds like first griffin fight where jones was prime
r6 nice lefts by joe roy looking tired nice jab by calz roy feints...pace slows roy in corner...looking to counter with hook roy misses a right counter joe pecks away far slower pace roy doing very little very nice uppercut by roy...joe answers joe round, best punch from roy 58-56 joe
Based on the fact that Joe is wide open when he comes in, and Roy is just too old to pull the trigger and counter him to death.
r7 both look fresher after slow last rd nice left by joe again roy on ropes roy does some jabs..first time he out times joe in a while nice left by joe again roy takes okay now covers on ropes both land at asame time joe looking better roy dangerous, but hurt roy's eye is cut slap slap slap joe just better joe round 68-65
Calzaghe just fucked Jones up...Roy is hurt and for the first time, he looks in a bad way- thats a nasty cut MTF
r8 joe hands down...not much this round roy's eye bleeding badly pot shot by roy but now roy in corner joe slaps away nice 12 by joe nice shotbs by roy joe not afected nice left by joe joe very cocky mugs him talking to roy nice left when roy on ropes roy's face a mess, but still fast joe just lands too many joe round joe 78-74
r9 joe pepering roy looking fast roy trying now but joe doing a bit better joe out muscling him nice combos on roy's face roy says no joe dares him to hit him slower pace joe gets him again with too much volume roy still looks fast when he wings, though joe round 88-83
Despite what they said on here, they understand where roy is in his life. They knew this was a possibility. At least i know Reed knew.